Daily Prayers 10-16 October

Daily Prayers 10-16 October

Financial Prayers by Michelle Johnson [Church Treasurer]

Oct 10 – Father, we bring the subject of giving to You once again. We thank You that when we give, we step from the economy of this world into Your heavenly economy where different rules apply. 

You promise that when we put You first in our finances, You promise blessings so great that we will not be able to contain them. You rebuke the devourer in our lives, and the list of blessings become endless.

You bless our families, our children, our health, our jobs, our homes, our finances and more, and our land becomes a land of delight. Great is Your faithfulness, Lord God. In Jesus’ name we come to You. Amen.

Oct 11 – Father, we bring our church finances to You and we declare that we are blessed. We believe that Your plans for our finances are good and not for disaster, to give us a future and a hope.

As we seek to extend Your kingdom, to enlarge the place of our tent, we do not hold back for we know that Your provision is there for all that You are calling us to do.

We lengthen our cords and hammer our tent pegs in the firm ground of our faith and hope in Christ. We remember that it is You who builds the house and not us. If we build it, it is in vain, but if You build it, it is established.

Build Your house in and through Telford Elim, and in the lives of everyone who is a part of our church, in person and online. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Oct 12 – Thank You that You are the Father of Lights, and every good gift comes from You. From You we have received every good thing, and therefore to Jesus we give our all out of hearts filled with gratitude and love.

We pray blessing upon all who give, and upon all who desire to give but are not yet able – You love the cheerful and generous giver.

We pray that You would inspire them to give in ways other than financial, but we also trust You to give seed to the sower and bread to the eater so that they will be blessed abundantly. Out of the overflow they will have more than enough to give and to share with others. Hear our prayer and bless Your inheritance. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Oct 13 – Father, as a church family we commit to seeking Your kingdom above all things. As we seek to live righteously, completely surrendered to Jesus, we know that You will give us all that we need.

We release old mindsets, habits and behaviour patterns that have created lack and poverty. We forbid thoughts of failure, defeat and mediocrity to inhabit our minds.

We confess that You generously provide all our needs so that we will always have everything and plenty to share with others, there is no lack in Christ – for Jesus is our best friend, our Shepherd-King and Provider.

In You, Jesus, we always have more than enough when we deny self, take up our cross daily, and follow You. For from You and to You and through You are all things, to You be all the glory forever. Amen.

Oct 14 – Father, give us ears to hear what You would have each one of us do – whether that be physical, financial or both. Holy Spirit lead us into all truth, and in the pathway of trust and obedience.

Father, we pray that as we receive increases in our finances that we would not hold back but that we would be generous in our giving to the poor. Your word says that when we help the poor, we are lending to You, and You will repay our generosity.

Touch our hearts, Holy Spirit, help us all to look for opportunities to be a financial blessing to someone else. Teach us how to love people and use money, rather than loving money and using people. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Oct 15 – We thank You, Heavenly Father, for Your unbelievable goodness to us who believe in Jesus.

We thank You that we are blessed as we trust in Christ and make Him our hope and confidence.

We are like trees planted along the riverbank, with roots that reach deep into the water, we will not be bothered by the heat nor worried by long months of drought as our leaves will stay green and we will never stop producing fruit (Jeremiah 17:7-8, Paraphrase mine).

As we contemplate the economic chaos that is all around us, we choose to place all our confidence in Christ, and not in our jobs, our investments, our bank accounts nor ourselves. For every good gift comes from You, the Father of Lights. Amen.

Oct 16 – Heavenly Father, we bring the financial state of the nation to You.

We pray for godly wisdom to be downloaded to the Chancellor, the Prime Minister and the government, every financial institution, and the opposition parties. We pray for Your power in Christ to be made perfect in the present weakness of our nation pointing people to His grace and salvation.

We pray that they would have the poor of this country laid on their hearts and determine to bring help in multiple ways. We pray for the many charities and churches that are involved in helping those who have not – and ask that Your people would continue to give where You instruct them – touch others to start who are not yet giving.

Help us to partner with Your Spirit, and to follow Your strategy for the people of this nation – a nation that You love, in Jesus, more than we do. Amen.