Life Event
Baptism is an amazing privilege and blessing. As an Elim Pentecostal Church we believe in Believer’s Only baptism by full immersion in water. This is at the heart of our theology and practice.
We will only baptise those who give evidence of a confession of faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.
Therefore, when either a young person gets to the age of twelve and wants to be baptised, or a person becomes a new believer, and gives evidence of a genuine faith – we will prepare the candidate for baptism with several baptism classes. Then we baptise that one in our church – usually on a Sunday morning in our main worship service.

The following gives some further details:
The Bible presents a close association between water baptism and the affirmation of the Trinity – God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
The Trinitarian baptismal formula in Matthew 28:19-20 is a good point to start, ‘Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptising them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.’
This is significant:
- It confirms to those witnessing the baptism of faith in the Triune God of Father, Son and Holy Spirit. The Trinity is a way of describing the equal and eternal nature God; it reveals both the oneness of Yahweh, Yahweh Jesus and Yahweh’s Spirit, but also their uniqueness in perfect relationship with each other.
- It says that that the church is willing to obey Jesus’ original command and continue to develop those who believe and are baptised into mature disciples, who then can make disciples themselves.
- It reminds us that there is a clear need for water baptism when making disciples – water baptism is an important part of the process of maturing in faith.
- It also reminds us that water baptism is not enough on its own, no-one can say, ‘I am saved and baptised – I am going to heaven; I don’t need to do anything else.’ Baptism is an important faith step, but it is only one among many we need in our discipleship journey following Jesus.
- We teach that after water baptism the baptised person must be careful to both obey and remain obedient to Jesus’ words. By doing this he or she releases the spiritual power of obedience into that their life.
This power helps in two ways:
It helps guard against the lure and power of sin. The carnal nature wants believers to focus on self while avoiding the pathway of sacrifice, taking up one’s cross and following Jesus. This lifestyle is the best defense against the lure of the world, and the temptation we encounter in life to take the easy route or indulge the flesh letting Satan get a foothold in our lives.
It equips us to follow the pathway of worship, service, mission and ministry in the Spirit’s power. Throughout the entire Church Age, in obedience to Jesus’ words, water baptism has been at the heart of the church’s discipleship teaching and practice.
If you would like to be baptised – then please contact the Church Office.