Daily Prayers 5 – 11 July

Daily Prayers 5 – 11 July

This week’s prayer letter focuses on prayers developed around seven of the names of God – the prayers are written by Pastor Leslie.

July 5 – El Shaddai: Father, You are the Lord God Almighty, the All Sufficient One. We give You praise that You are our Sustainer, our strength, and the Lord Almighty. No-one can thwart Your purposes, nor overturn Your decrees. You are God, You are all Your name says You are and we worship You!

We proclaim You have supplied all we need, Your power is not diminished by our weaknesses, nor are You drained by our petitions. You are the All-Sufficient One who loves to give to us; You are able to supply all our needs according to Your riches in glory by Christ Jesus.

I choose to look to You first by committing all my need to You, to rely on You by reading Your word, to seek to follow Christ by obeying and practising Your word, and to grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord Jesus by drawing on Your Spirit’s help and the life that flows as I drink His living water and feed on the fresh bread of Your word.

We proclaim Your all sufficiency over Telford Elim, our church, its ministries and its people. In Jesus’ name. Amen

July 6 –  El Elyon: You are God Most High. Psalm 57:2, ‘I will cry out to God Most High, to God who performs all things for me.’

You are sovereign over all, and Your majesty and radiance outshine the sun in all its brightness. As we come to You, thank You that in Your Son, You share Your glory with us in Telford Elim, in person and online, and with me as Your child, so that the world may see You in us, and in me.

Teach us how to keep our spiritual armour burnished and clean. Enable us as a church to radiate Your love by the fullness of Your Spirit. Empower us to be good ambassadors seeking to live by Your Kingdom principles of love, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, purity and redemption. In Jesus’ name. Amen

July 7 –  Adonai: Lord and Master. Thank You that this is a plural from indicating You are a Trinity and literally translated, ‘my Lords and my Masters.’ We give You praise that each member of the Godhead is our Lord and Master – Father, Son and Spirit.

Help us as a church to reflect this relational aspect of Your nature and being in how we relate to each other, support each other, pray for each other, and do mission together.

May our fellowship together as Your Church reflect the mutuality and love that exists at the heart of Your relationship with each other. May we mature together as disciples in such a relational bond, always seeking to add new people into the framework of our relationship with each other – people who then become mature disciples themselves. In Jesus’ name. Amen

July 8 –  Yahweh: Lord, Jehovah. Father, from the beginning of the Bible You are called by this holy name. Thank You that in Exodus 3, to Moses, You first revealed the full extent of what this meant, ‘I AM WHO I AM.’ You are the self-existent one.

Thank You Lord Jesus that You further elaborated on this when You said that You are Yahweh the Bread of Life, the Light of the world, the Door of the sheep, the Good Shepherd, the Resurrection and the Life, the Way, Truth and Life, and the True Vine.

Jesus, everything You revealed about Yourself points us to One who saves, keeps, delivers, watches over and is faithful to His people. May Your name be hallowed in Telford | Shropshire because of our relationship with You, and because of our church’s service, ministry and worship, in person and online. In Jesus’ name. Amen 

July 9 –  Jehovah Nissi: Father, You are a banner of encouragement giving us hope. You speak words of hope and encouragement to us. You are also our Commander, the One we rally to in the battles we face; after all, the battle belongs to You.

Thank You that You are not just a banner, nissi, which is inanimate, lifeless, but You are our banner, the great I AM, the life giving One who gave us Your one and only begotten Son. We do not look to the flag of our nation; rather to Christ Your Son, the Captain of our salvation.

May we never lose sight of this as we live with the pressures and stresses of this world which seek to make us conform to its blueprint for life. You are with us in the battles of life with Your sleeves rolled up, getting stuck in, cheering us on, and taking up the fight when Your Spirit guides us to pray this simple prayer: ‘Lord Jesus, come in and fight this battle on our behalf.’

When we pray this, You will not just sit idly by observing us being conquered by the powers of darkness; instead, You will prove Yourself faithful and true.

Father, because of Your Son’s all-sufficient atonement, His victorious resurrection, and glorious ascension – we have the victory. You have sent Your Spirit to be in us, and to empower us to prevail in the battle of our faith over sin, Satan, self and the world. THANK YOU Lord JESUS. Amen

July 10 – Jehovah Raah: the Lord our Shepherd. Father, Your Son is our Good Shepherd feeding us Your word – our leader and defender. You are the Lord who leads me to drink living water and to eat fresh bread! He is the Lamb of God who came to take away my sin.

As we, Telford Elim, follow our Shepherd, the Shepherd of His followers, grant us attentive minds, listening ears, watchful eyes, and obedient hearts so that we are fully surrendered to His lordship.

We pray for those sheep who are not yet in the fold of our church, but whom You have purposed will be – equip our church, in person and online, to reach them with the Gospel, prepare us to receive them, and train us to be disciple-making disciples.

Enlarge Your flock greatly in Telford Elim. May we be a safe church for people to join, and then to belong to. Bless and empower our church leadership team to be diligent, skilful and Spirit-filled under-shepherds in Your service. In Jesus’ name and for His glory. Amen

July 11 – Jehovah Rapha: the Lord who heals. Father, at the heart of the Gospel message throughout both the Old and New Testaments, is the revelation that You are the Lord who heals. Your Son is the Great Physician who heals the physical and emotional needs of His people.

May our church be a body of people, in person and online, who not only proclaim You as our Saviour, but also our Creator, the Cleanser of the soul, the Righteous One who shares His righteousness with us, and the Healer of the body, soul and spirit.

Lord, when relationships are damaged, when defeat destroys our confidence, when mental anguish tortures our minds – You can heal our soul; when physical maladies and weaknesses afflict our bodies – You can heal our bodies and restore our rest, strength and energy.

May the spiritual gift of miracles, and gifts of healings – plural, the laying on of hands, the prayer of faith by the elders, and the anointing of oil be exercised by our church, but also be effective leading to many, many individual healings, and deliverances, of body and soul.

Lord, we proclaim that completeness in Christ and biblical wholeness will flow out like a mighty river from the ministry of Telford Elim, in person and online, leading to renewal in many Christians’ lives, revival in many churches, and a godly reformation of our society. In Jesus’ name. Amen