Daily Prayers 29 November – 5 December

Daily Prayers 29 November – 5 December

This week’s daily prayers are written by Steve Higgins and are praying about ‘stepping into the future in Christ.’

November 29 – Heavenly Father, we thank You for Your guidance and Your promise that Your Son is always with us by Your Spirit as we journey through life. Forgive us when we get ahead of Your plans; help us to know when to stop and listen for Your direction.

Your ways are perfect, Your ways are just, You know all our needs and we know You are the God of provision always willing to bless those who are seeking to walk in Christ’s ways.

Thank You Lord Jesus for Your grace that enables us to live our lives under the umbrella of Father’s love – a love which passes all understanding bringing freedom in our daily lives. As we look to the future, help us to walk in obedience to Your word and will for our lives giving glory to Your name. Amen.

November 30 – Father God, as we look to You – we pray for the guidance of the Holy Spirit and Your word to lead us to live and move in Your will. We look to Your Spirit and word for wisdom and counsel to guide us to do Your will as we look to the future.

Lord Jesus, we pray that Your Spirit would move boldly in our lives, causing us to walk continually in Your presence; being fully devoted to Your calling on our lives. May Your word, will and promises always be the meditation of our hearts, and that the fruit of the Spirit would continue to grow so bringing glory to Your name.

Lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil and sin so that we may live holy and perfect lives worthy of our calling. Lord, have Your way in our lives as we seek to do Your will bringing glory to Your name. Amen

December 1 – Lord Jesus, You have called us to serve You and Your purposes, mission and cause. Help us to walk the path You have set before us; and as we walk into the unknown filling our lives with Your word – it will give us faith to go out with great courage always looking to You for guidance.

We may be walking unknown paths, but as we walk by faith – You are always with us, no matter what challenges we may face. We give thanks that You will always support us with Your love and grace. Amen

December 2 – Lord Jesus, we live in a world full of corruption and greed. Help us to walk in the light of Your glory bringing spiritual power, kindness and a sense of hope to those we meet day by day.

As we seek to grow in Your love, teach us Your ways of spiritual power, kindness and goodness. We thank You that through Your blood – You have made us whole, giving us forgiveness for the sin we have repented off, and a new hope and destiny.

As Your church, Telford Elim in person and online, You have called us to share the good news of the Gospel; Holy Spirit equip, help and anoint us to go and proclaim Jesus, make disciples and extend His kingdom in our community. In Jesus’ name. Amen

December 3 – Father God, we live in a world that is forever changing, and every change that we experience is a new challenge in our lives. We thank You that our hope and trust is in Christ as we step into the future.

We pray that You will continue to be with us to lead and to guide, to help and to protect, to comfort and support. Lord Jesus, we cling to You – the rock of our salvation. You are our defence and defender. You are with us through all the changing scenes of life; so our hope is that You are coming back in all Your glory to take all who trust in You to be with you forever.

Our future needs to be rooted in You, the Lord Jesus Christ, who is the author and protector of our faith. You are the One who is able to set us free from the perils of this world as we live and practice the Christian Disciplines, giving us a new hope so that we are more than able to live victorious lives full of confidence in Your name. Amen

December 4 – God of all nations, and all that we have in these days. We hear so much talk of breaks and splits, divisions and broken relationships. Come heal the relationships in our land – where there is disorder and conflict may Christ’s redemption and reconciliation flow.

Bring comfort to those who are troubled in spirit, to all who face an uncertain future. Bring peace to broken hearts through Christ the Saviour, bring wisdom to confused minds through Your word – to all whose decisions are momentous. Teach all of us to live with grace, love and generosity towards our neighbour; and continue to guide us in the liberating work of our Saviour, Jesus Christ. Amen

December 5 – Father, help us to remember to live our lives rooted in Christ; knowing that His presence is with us at all times – sharing the brightness of our joy, and walking with us in times of darkness. You speak words of wisdom into our foolishness. Give reassurance into our fear, and empower and guide us to seek out those who are lost looking for a way forward – teach us how to bring them to Jesus.

Lord, we pray for the leaders of our nation. That their thinking will change and they become true believers because they are now walking with Jesus – thus right words would be heard from those who have the power to make decisions around the future of our country because they are filling their lives with Your word, will and ways.

We particularly pray over our economy, and the effects on our planet with regard to global warming – Lord Jesus, we proclaim justice, righteousness and Your blessing over the economy and all the issues surrounding Global Warming.

Father, we lay before You the life of our nation. We need Your wisdom, reassurance, and Your compassion in order for Christ’s gentle rule to be established amongst us. Many people feel fearful of what the future holds, so help us to build a church, online and in person, for the community in which all feel welcome and valued giving a true sense of belonging. May Christ’s love surround us, Your Spirit empowering and protecting us – empowering us to do Your will giving glory to the Lord Jesus. Amen