Daily Prayers 19-25 September

Daily Prayers 19-25 September

Sept 19 – The focus of this week’s prayers, is our September’s month of prayer, fasting, and abstinence. The prayers are taken from our month of prayer booklet.

Tech team by Isaac Alawode

Father God, we come before You and ask for Your guidance in developing the team further. We request, Lord, that You continually increase the knowledge and abilities of those who serve on the Tech team before, during and after a service, that their confidence can grow as they lay their giftings on the altar before You.

We also pray, Father God, that You help each member to grow spiritually in knowledge and wisdom, not to make idols of our roles on the tech team, but to know that it is a privilege to serve Christ.

God, we thank You for each member who has served on the tech team in the past and those currently serving, we ask that You continually increase the team in such an unique way to satisfy the requirements of the roles to be fulfilled each week. We pray against burnout, and ask for a fresh fire from above for each member.

God Almighty, we ask for protection over the equipment used and that You guide us in replacing and upgrading where required in order to increase the quality of Broadcasting – all for Your glory. We thank You, Lord Almighty, in advance for what You will do in and through the tech team in the rest of this year. In Jesus’ name Amen

Sept 20 – Telford Christians Against Poverty [CAP] by Lizzie Brown

Lord God, thank You for the CAP Telford Debt Centre (TDC), and for all who are involved with it. Thank You for the incredible vehicle this is for Your gospel; that we are able to take Your good news into people’s homes, even to people who have not heard Your gospel before; that we can carry Your Holy Spirit and leave love deposits, and plant Kingdom seeds of truth and righteousness wherever we visit.

Thank You, God, for relationships being established, for lives being transformed, and for responses to Your call through this ministry.

Lord Jesus, we lift up existing and future clients to You; that they would receive the faith to believe the good news of Your love for them, and they would receive You as their Lord and Saviour.

Your word tells us not to worry, rather in faith, to make our requests known to You. So, in faith we ask for increased financial support of this local ministry. We also ask for You to touch the hearts of those for whom this is a ministry calling as debt coaches, befrienders, and other volunteers.

We ask that You send Your Kingdom resources so that more lives may be impacted, and more people led to freedom not only from financial debt, but from the debt of sin we all once owed – into Your glorious Kingdom of light, life and love; that hope be restored in hearts and peace and joy manifest. Romans 5:8; 12:1-8; Ephesians 5:8-10. Amen

Sept 21 – TAARC by Natalie Headley

We look to You, God our Father Almighty, Creator of heaven and earth and everything within. We believe, Father, that TAARC was created from You and for Your purpose – to bring people together from diverse backgrounds, especially for Africans and Caribbeans, in peace and in unity.

We pray, Father, for any wall that has been built now and in the past, that has caused frictions, will be torn down in the Name of Jesus! We pray, Father, for Your continuous direction and vision for TAARC. For Your strength and energy for all who are and who will become associated with TAARC to be able to do all that You have called us to do with passion, integrity and honesty.

We pray for Your blessings, Father, for the space and tools needed, and many volunteers with passion and zeal for the community to be able to continue to do Your work. For Your light, Father, to always shine through TAARC in whatever we do and wherever we go – for many people to experience Christ’s light, love, grace, mercy and favour.

We pray Father that TAARC will be Your beacon here in Telford, and surrounding areas; a beacon of a safe space for many, of resources, community cohesion, an exemplary information hub, and community engagement ambassador – all in Jesus’ Name. We pray that our ethics will always be aligned with Your word, Father.

We pray for resilience and protection against the enemy, and for Your favour on us always. In Jesus’ name. Amen

Sept 22 – PRISM by Maggie Higgins

Heavenly Father, we bring PRISM to You in prayer, and thank You for being a good and loving Father who understands and cares for all needs.

Father, You invite us to live and enjoy relationships with others, and in doing so invite us to grieve their loss to us; a loss that we were never built to handle on our own. We pray for all our clients who are grieving, a grief completely understood and felt by Jesus (Luke 22:44; John 11:35).

Father, may they know and feel Your presence and grace during this difficult time in their earthly lives. We pray for and thank You for all our volunteers, that through or from our own experiences of grief and the comfort we have received from You – we have the ability to help others who are grieving.

2 Corinthians 1:3-4, CSB, ‘All praise to God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. God is our merciful Father and the source of all comfort. He comforts us in all our troubles so that we can comfort others. When they are troubled, we will be able to give them the same comfort God has given us.’

Help us, we pray, to be good ambassadors for Christ. Amen

Sept 23 – Hadley Methodist Church [HMC] by Simon Mason

‘For the Son of Man came to seek and save those who are lost’ (Luke 19:10).

Please pray for HMC as we start to focus in the autumn on, ‘Reaching the lost: a year to learn how to make disciples in everyday life.’ Please pray that:

• we will learn how to connect the good news of Jesus with the stories of those we know or work with, in our communities, and with our neighbours.

• we will grow in confidence as disciple-makers each with our own unique gifts and personalities.

• and that we learn to mold our lifestyles into being intentional witnesses and disciple-makers, wherever we find ourselves from day to day.

Please also pray for courage and gifting and guidance, as we ask for a fresh empowering and anointing of the Holy Spirit for everyone at HMC.

Sept 24 – Hadley Methodist Church [HMC] by Simon Mason

‘What is the Kingdom of God like? It is like a tiny mustard seed that a man planted in a garden; it grows and becomes a tree, and birds make nests in its branches’ (Luke 13:18-19).

Please pray:

• for the launch of a new activity at HMC on September 18th – the 5WF’s; as we encourage families to follow Jesus together using HMC’s five discipleship words: Change, Relationship, Obey, Sent and Spirit.

• that parents feel able to use resources at home, discussing, praying and putting into practise the Scriptures with their children.

• that from small beginnings, the 5WF’s will become embedded in life at HMC.

We also pray for the ministry of 1st Hadley Boys Brigade and Girls Association, and for Pastor Samuel’s work with the teenagers in the company section in the autumn.

Finally, we pray for the team, especially Alison, Caryl and Luke who lead the work with children and families. In Jesus’ name. Amen

Sept 25 – Telford Street Pastors [TSPs] by Pastor Leslie

Father, thank You for the ongoing ministry of TSPs, for each person involved whether as Street Pastors, Prayer Pastors, or who are part of the management team. TSPs have been consistently going out and engaging with people in the night time economy for over a decade here in Telford – thank You for the longevity of the ministry, and the countless acts of service and witness performed in those years.

We know that as the ministry continues, so does the need for new Street Pastors and for Prayer Pastors. We ask that many will catch the Street Pastor vision, and want to serve in this ministry. Protect each Street Pastor as they are out, and guide them in how to represent You on the streets.

As TSPs engage with other agencies, and liaise with all invested in keeping our streets safe at night, we ask for favour, grace and much wisdom. That TSP’s presence will be seen as an extension of the hand of Christ, a ministry of Telford churches, and a Kingdom building initiative bringing Your people into contact with those caught in the world’s way of entertainment. In Jesus’ name. Amen