July 18 – The focus of this week’s prayer letter is again on Kingdom Building, particularly on Being Rooted in Christ. The prayers are written by Pastor Leslie.
Father, at the very heart of our faith is the bedrock/foundation which is Your Word – Christ Jesus Himself being the chief cornerstone. Ephesians 2:19-22, CSB, ‘So, then, you are no longer foreigners and strangers, but fellow citizens with the saints, and members of God’s household, built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, with Christ Jesus Himself as the cornerstone. In Him the whole building, being put together, grows into a holy temple in the Lord. In Him you are also being built together for God’s dwelling in the Spirit.’
You call everyone to repent and believe in Him. And He is working so that all things are anchored in Him (Colossians 1:19-20, CSB, ‘For God was pleased to have all His fullness dwell in Christ, and through Him to reconcile everything to Himself, whether things on earth or things in heaven, by making peace through His blood, shed on the cross’).
We pray that everything and everyone in Telford Elim, in person and online, will be firmly rooted in Christ.
We pray for redemption to flow like a mighty river – for the gift of repentance to lead many to new life and hope in Christ, and for everyone we minister to be, as a result of our ministry, firmly established in Your Word, saved, truly linked to Your beloved Son, and connected with a local church – we ask for the blessing that many will connect with our church. In Jesus’ name. Amen
Jul 19 – Father, as we further consider this topic – we recognise the importance of preaching that everyone and everything should be firmly rooted into Christ. When we come to Christ, then past bad choices, times when we have yielded to temptation, and when we have not obeyed Your Word – can be forgiven, our souls cleansed and renewed, and we set apart for worship and Your service.
Our desire is to build a good spiritual house full of disciples who are firmly rooted in Christ, maturing in faith, making new disciples themselves, and fulfilling Your will and purposes for their lives. A church which is a spiritual home for those who are part of it – where they are encouraged, exhorted and equipped to live out the faith each and every day.
Lord, there are different seasons through life. Grant us the prophetic insight to understand the season we are in, and to live and minister accordingly. If we are walking in this way – then when the storms of life come, or when tedium or boredom cause us to desire fulfilment from ungodly things, or when others seek to lead us onto a false path – we will stand in Christ.
We pray that many will be led to seek to be filled with Your Spirit, and to walk with Him in victory. Lord Jesus, we pray for a great ingathering of souls with many following You on the discipleship pathway You have set.
We ask today for the wisdom and grace needed to walk in the Spirit, and to respond appropriately and obediently to the leading of Your Spirit and word. In Jesus’ name. Amen
Jul 20 – Father, one of the biggest issues to do with our foundations can arise in our relationships, including in Church. If we hold onto an inappropriate relationship, or are basing a relationship on the false foundations of dependency or fear, or are failing to work at connecting in fellowship with our brothers and sisters – forgive us.
We pray that all of our relationships will be Christ-honouring, and established along wholesome, godly lines. Lord, grant us the anointing so that everyone and everything can be rooted in Christ.
We pray that Your love will be the source for our love for others. We also ask that the very basis of the relationships in our wider local communities will become biblically aligned. Instead of so many being destructive and selfishly based – may they become wholesome and selflessly based honouring others, and respecting each person’s dignity.
Heal the pain of broken marriages, dysfunctional families, wrecked friendships, and a society that is divided and polarised. We pray instead for a nation full of strong marriages rooted in Christ, families that are the bedrock for a godly society, friendships that enrich and encourage, and a society healed and united in Christ. Amen
Jul 21 – Father, the revelations about widespread sexual abuse in many spheres of society, and the grooming of girls, young women, boys and young men for sexual abuse across the UK is really terrible.
As we think of the report into child sexual abuse in Telford – we think of the large numbers who have been abused. It is difficult to listen to the individual stories and read about the issues many have faced in trying to get the authorities to take seriously what has happened to them.
This issue is a destructive element at the very heart of the foundations of our society. That the perpetrators, men, and some women, whether in person or online, think that they can get away with these heinous crimes is terrible.
Lord, we pray for justice, righteousness and truth so that every young person can feel safe, be free from attack, and free from the pressure to offer themselves to be used to gratify the sinful lusts of others.
We pray for success for our police and judiciary in the discovery and prosecution of many individuals, paedophile rings, and sex trafficking gangs – for justice to be upheld against them with the appropriate sentences for their crimes.
We ask that the way society teaches its young people about relationships would change, become much more Christ-honouring and biblically based, and lead to a cleansing of the ungodly pollution of this world’s sinful principles across the UK bringing salvation’s wholeness, and Christ’s blessing.
May salvation flow to all who have been abused leading them into Your redemptive power and renewal – may it also flow to those tempted to perpetrate so that their attitudes are changed rooting out worldly, fleshy ways and rooting them in Christ – and may it flow to our young people bringing Christ to the fore, He being the only One they follow. In Jesus’ name. Amen
Jul 22 – Father, we pray today about the political foundations of our nation. Many are disillusioned with politicians, many sceptical about the motives behind our politician’s public service, and many believing that most politicians are ill-equipped to lead our nation.
If there are still those acting improperly or seeking undue financial gain – may they be replaced by honourable, capable men and women of integrity and truth. We ask that as the Conservative Party decides its next leader, and our new Prime Minister, that You will guide and undertake in their deliberations leading to a strong, capable, intelligent and wise leader for our nation.
Furthermore, we ask for dedicated, wise and skilful Christian political leaders; men and women who follow Christ wholeheartedly full of biblical integrity, understanding and love.
We ask for a widespread move of Your Spirit among our political elite drawing many into the Kingdom, establishing righteousness and godliness in our nation. In Jesus’ name and for His glory. Amen
Jul 23 – Father, we pray today about our nation’s business and commercial life. We ask for good employer/employee relations, for innovative and creative research and design departments, and skilful and insightful management which produces new breakthrough developments enabling these to be commercially successful, fully developed and brought to the market well designed, fully tested and fit for purpose.
We pray that the UK will become renowned as a nation that produces things which work well, are reliable, give good value for money, last for a long time, and are ecologically sound.
We pray that existing businesses and commercial interests will flourish and be good at adapting so that they remain vibrant and successful. May greed, avarice and self-interest be replaced, as many are saved in and through Christ across the UK, with love, encouragement and a commitment to love our neighbours and seek their good.
We pray that employers and employees alike work for the good of all; and may Christian Chaplains, employers and employees have a profound impact on their workplaces bringing Christ to the fore, and creating an atmosphere conducive to prayer, godliness and a prosperous nation. In Jesus’ name. Amen
Jul 24 – Father, as a church we want to thank You for the wonderful people that worship here in person and online. We celebrate the rich diversity in our Church, and give thanks and praise for those committed to Your service in and through Telford Elim Community Church.
We pray for the continued development of our Church – may it be firmly rooted in the foundation of Your Word, and securely tied to Christ Jesus, Your beloved Son – our Saviour and Lord. We ask that it will be a sound, wonderful, growing and exciting spiritual house of worship.
Guide us as we seek to equip and encourage people to witness and give Christ-honouring service in this Town, Borough and County. May it be a house of salvation, prayer, discipleship, peace and joy full of people full of the Holy Spirit, and living with heaven’s anointing and favour at work in and through their lives. In Jesus’ name. Amen