Daily Prayers 9 – 15 November

Daily Prayers 9 – 15 November

Nov 9 – This week we will be praying about establishing God’s will for our lives, and what our purpose is here on this earth. The theme for the week, and the introduction to each day’s prayers, are written by Isaac Alawode:

Father, we thank You for Your word, the Bible; it is our guide in this life. We thank You for sending Your Son Jesus Christ to die on the cross of Calvary – this was Your will for the salvation of all people.

We thank you for the Helper – the One You sent after Christ’s departure back to You; He is the Holy Spirit. John 14:17 says, “The spirit of truth. The world cannot accept Him, because it neither sees Him nor knows Him, but you know Him, for He lives with you and will be in you.’ We thank You for His abiding presence among us, for the impact He has on each of our lives, and the guidance He offers as we look to live by faith in the centre of Your will.

Jesus taught us to pray that Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven – may Your will be done in my life, in the lives of my loved ones, colleagues, friends, neighbours, community, church, region and nation. Your will is always that Christ will be glorified – may the Lord Jesus be lifted high and glorified through the people and ministries of Telford Elim online and in person. Amen

Nov 10 – Father, when many think about Your will, and Your purpose for our lives –they are often fixated on the Long term things such as career and where to live, while neglecting the here and now. Whilst the ‘big’ things are important, we know Father that tomorrow is not promised to us; therefore, we ask You to help us to follow Christ daily, and to fulfil our daily purpose in Him. As Jesus said, recorded in Luke 9:23, “Whoever wants to be My disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross daily and follow Me”

Your good and perfect and complete will is always centred in Christ. I proclaim Romans 12:2 over our lives: ‘Don’t copy the behaviour and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God’s will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect.’

As our thinking is renewed and transformed by Your word, by obeying what it says, by fellowship with other believers, by submitting ourselves to Your will and purposes in Christ, and by remaining fresh and renewed as we spend time in devotion, worship and prayer before You – then we learn to know Your good, pleasing to us and perfect will. Lord, that idea of Your will being pleasing to us is so wonderful to consider.

As our thinking is renewed and transformed – we embrace Your will, no matter how hard to our flesh, relationships, emotions and choices Your will is – it is pleasing to know we are walking in step with Your Spirit in Your will. May many step into this same place of walking in Your will because of the ministry and people in Telford Elim online and in person. In Jesus’ name. Amen

Nov 11 – On this Remembrance Day when we remember many who died in the service of our nation, and those who have served, and are serving, in our Armed Forces – we ask for Your grace, comfort and love to fill all who remember.

May this Remembrance Day, in the midst of Lockdown, cause many to also reflect on the nature of life, and to consider the Christ who paid the ultimate sacrifice in order to secure the freedom of all who will believe in Him. We pray for a great Awakening in our Armed Forces leading to thousands and thousands turning to Christ as Saviour, walking with Him as His disciples, and learning how to live out His purposes through their service.

Your will Father is to fill us with Your Spirit. As we read and meditate daily on Your word, Your Spirit and word enable us to work at whatever we are doing as if it is unto the Lord (Colossians 3:23). In whatever setting You have placed us – whether school, work, retirement or Your service – You call us to be effective disciples and witnesses to Christ. Raise up many hundreds of such disciples because the people and ministries of Telford Elim online and in person – people whose lives have been saved because of Christ’s sacrifice on the Cross, and who live a life wholeheartedly devoted to His cause and purposes. Amen

Nov 12 – Help us, Lord, to give thanks in every circumstance as this is Your will for us as it says in 1 Thessalonians 5:18. During the current global pandemic many are struggling to find Your will for their lives, and are really struggling with a lack of purpose in their lives. Reveal Christ to them because he is the true answer to a purposeless and fearful life.

We pray that Your Church will stand up and proclaim Your truth to the powers of this present darkness. May we be dressed in the armour of light, calling out – with grace, biblical truth and godly wisdom – bad behaviours, poor attitudes, bitter words, divisive politics and corrupt philosophies.

We proclaim that the Kingdom of God is a Kingdom of righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit. May Your Kingdom come and Your will be done through the people and ministries of Telford Elim, and each church represented by those who pray with us, online and in person. In Jesus’ name and for His glory. Amen

Nov 13 – Father, we also ask You to help us – Lord to help us die to ourselves and live unto Christ. We recognise the challenge we face as the Tempter tries to lead us into sin, bondage and death. Jesus was tempted by the devil in 3 different ways: 1. Lust of the eyes; 2. Lust of the flesh; 3. The pride of life. We face the same temptations today and ask You, Lord, to help us see any hidden sin in our lives, and repent of it turning towards You in Christ.

Your will is that we will grow in the grace and knowledge of Christ. Help me to reveal Jesus through my life and words. I pray that my relationship with the Lord Jesus will grow and develop further until He is the strength of my life, the hope for my future, and the One revealed to be at the centre of all I am and seek to do.

Your will is that I will be raised up to be a worshipper who serves Christ in the Spirit’s fullness, skilled in the Bible, and committed to His service and furtherance of Your purposes in this world. Anoint me, and each one of us, to be such a person who brings much delight to Your heart. In Jesus’ name. Amen

Nov 14 – We pray for the young people and children, especially those still under the direction of their parents and guardians. We ask You Lord to help them respect and honour those whom You have appointed to take care of them. The fifth commandment promises a blessing on those who honour their father and mother.

We pray that they will set an example at a young age of one who honours their parents and reflects the image and nature of Christ as they do so. We also ask You, Lord, for divine help and guidance for parents and guardians in raising their young people and children. Heal the brokenness in parenting in our land so that people and children have parents they can respect, love and follow in doing life and relationships.

May the blessing they receive multiply as they honour their parents, flow over and be a great blessing in every setting You place them. May their lives not only go well, but also count for Christ. Help us as a church to minister and teach on how to be a good parent, and how to be a good son and daughter who carries Your favour and blessing.

Heal the brokenness and worldliness so evident in families up and down our land. Instead, may a godly, Christ-centred renewal of family life take place drawing many men, women, young adults, young people and children into the centre of Your will for family life. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Nov 15 – Father, we pray for all in Telford Elim, those who attend in person or join us online. We particularly pray for any who may be struggling with knowing their purpose on earth. Fill them with Your Spirit and word, so they have full confidence in You, and depend on You.

Faith arises as we read Your word, obey it, and step out in following Christ. As faith grows, so does our confidence in Your good will, and our assurance that it is always the best pathway for us – even if the cost seems almost too great to our bodies and our human hopes and dreams.

May all our hopes and dreams be renewed in Christ so that they are perfectly centred in Him, His worship and service. Your perfect will, and Your purposes at work in and through us, includes the preaching of the Gospel, the advance of Your Kingdom and its rule into the hearts and lives of new people and areas, and the defeat and overthrowing of that which is sinful, worldly, selfish and demonic in origin.

Your will is that all spiritual antichrist authorities, powers and philosophies will one day be overthrown and Christ revealed in all His supreme glory and majesty. Your will is that righteousness, peace and salvation will flourish as Your Church worships, ministers, serves and grows across the globe.

Until the day of Christ’s appearing – anoint Telford Elim, its people and ministries, and all churches represented as we pray, to be a mighty church preaching the Gospel, advancing the Kingdom rule of Christ, living in Your perfect, good and pleasing will, and growing in numbers of disciple makers who themselves are equipped to make disciples, and depth of godliness, holiness and as it does so. In Jesus’ name and for His glory. Amen