Daily Prayers 9-15 January

Daily Prayers 9-15 January

Jan 9 – The following prayers, Jan 9-15, are written by Steve Johnson and are focussed on our upcoming Alpha course.

Heavenly Father, we pray that each and every Alpha session will begin with Your inspiration, continue with Your help, and produce the fruit of discipleship under Your guidance.

Father, we pray for real disciples, true “Followers of The Way”, and not just people who have made “a decision”.  We ask for real breakthrough, true conversions, and a life-long commitment to follow Jesus, change life-styles, and embrace the fellowship of Holy Spirit together with all those who truly love You as part of the great body of believers that make up Your church.

Although we point out the way, it is Your Spirit who provides strength for the journey, provision for the way, and everything they need for life and godliness in Christ Jesus.

Heavenly Father we ask that we may be true partners in the Gospel with You, obedient to the Holy Spirit’s promptings, and followers of Jesus’ command to “go into all the world and make disciples of every nation”. In Jesus’ name. Amen

Jan 10 – Heavenly Father, may each Alpha guest discover that Alpha is about discovering Your love and friendship through the love, kindness and friendship of each person involved in Alpha.

From those who invite them, the prayer team who pray for them, and the team members who serve and enable the entire calendar of Alpha events, may they be held in by Your love exhibited by everyone they meet.

May the words of 1 Thessalonians 2:8: ‘We loved you so much that we were delighted to share with you not only the gospel of God but our lives as well’ become prophetic.

May each host and helper be comfortable and free to share their lives with our guests and to both love and respect them.

May each pray-er be completely aligned with Holy Spirit to partner with Heaven to accomplish Father’s will on earth.

Our prayer is that they may all be saved and know Him Who is the Friend Who sticks closer than a brother, Jesus the Saviour. Amen

Jan 11 – We pray for every guest who will be doing Alpha this year.

We pray that each person would find a space where they can connect with one another and, most importantly, connect with Jesus.

We pray for each Alpha guest find it easy to engage with Alpha, and that every logistical problem be resolved: from work commitments to transport and child-care if needed.

We pray for all the churches around the world planning to run Alpha in 2023 and for their volunteers. May they receive fresh anointing for all they are doing and a renewed heart to share the Gospel.

We pray for fresh boldness for those inviting friends, neighbours and family to attend Alpha.

We pray for that every cost of running Alpha be covered, for just as salvation is free to all, our desire is that Alpha be free to all also. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Jan 12 – Father, we pray for each session of Alpha, from the first to the last, will be a life-changing experience for everyone involved.

We pray that each guest will feel truly welcomed, valued, and appreciated.

We pray that the guests will engage positively with the table hosts, helpers, and with each other.

We pray, that each guest will engage with the Alpha content, partake in the discussions, and will come face-to-face with eternal truths.

We pray that each session will run well. That the practicalities will be covered: from setting the room up, food preparation, serving, showing the videos and cleaning up.

We pray for good health for all the guests and the whole Alpha team. We ask for protection from coughs and colds, ‘flu’ and Covid, trips and falls and every kind of accident or health and medical issue that could arise. May they be protected from all these things. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Jan 13 – Father, we pray for favour on each person stepping out in faith to invite people to Alpha.

We pray that this will be a timely event. Connecting with people at the right time, with the right message, from the right person.

We pray that You will already be at work in their lives, and that this is one more, vital, link in a chain that will lead all the way to their salvation and a life-long commitment and connection with You.

We pray that the Gospel will be a game-changer in their lives. Bringing hope, consolation, encouragement and comfort. May their introduction to Jesus through Holy Spirit will change their outlook, their prospects, and their experience of life.

We pray that Alpha will not only be an introduction to Father, Son and Holy Spirit, but will also be a positive experience for the guests to the Church and all those who love Him. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Jan 14 – Father, we pray for all those who are lost and lonely, help-less and hope-less in this world.

We pray they would encounter Jesus Who is the Light of the world. By whatever means, through Alpha or not, may they come face-to-face with Jesus Who loves them beyond measure – Who cares for them more than any other – Who wants to be their Friend – Who will be closer than any other friend or family. The One Who has loved them from before they were even born.

We pray that He Who is the Light of the world lights up their hearts, transforms their minds, heals their bodies and enfolds them in His arms of love, carries them when they are weary, and gives them a brand new start every time they need one.

We pray You will send the right person, at the right time, to connect with them, and to hold out the word of life to those who are weary. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Jan 15 – Father we pray for the self-sufficient, the successful, the ones “doing ok, thank you” and yet sleep-walking through life, oblivious to the most important things of all.

We pray You will arrest them. Make them curious. Make them question what brings fulfilment – or not. What brings true peace and contentment. What sustains and brings a sense of purpose.

We pray they will be curious enough to come to Alpha and face the big issues of life.

Father, we also pray for the away-day. Make it special. Make it life-changing.  Make it possible for every guest to attend. Make it filled with Holy Spirit encounters. Fill each person on the Alpha team with Holy Spirit so they overflow with streams of life to bless and enrich all.

We pray that Alpha be surrounded by Your Presence. Enwrapped in Your love. That it operates through the true Spirit of peace and not a false spirit of conflict. That each session will open up new thoughts and ideas, but above all, Holy Spirit-led dialogue that brings many to faith. In Jesus’ name. Amen.