This week is part 2 continuing from last week’s prayers developed from a recent blog on the spiritual battle we all face. Pastor Leslie
February 7 – Father, as we reflect on the nature of temptation – thank You that You will never tempt us to sin, do evil, or wrong. We can be assured that every temptation to sin, do evil or wrong comes either from within and our own carnal desires, or from our engagement with the world, or even directly from Satan himself.
We think specifically of the nature of these temptations – and pray that you will deliver us from evil. In the tempting of Adam and Eve (Genesis 3), we can see the three usual base temptations at work. 1. The lust of the flesh – good to eat; 2. lust of the eyes – looks desirable and beautiful, and 3. the pride of life – you will be wise and be like God in knowing good and evil. Satan was on good fertile ground with Eve and her husband, they were susceptible to his three-pronged attack.
We take courage that when Satan tempted Jesus, Matthew 4, with the same three temptations: 1. Lust of the flesh – Jesus was hungry, turn these stones into bread; 2. lust of the eyes – see all these nations, I will give them to You 3. pride of life – throw Yourself off because You are so important, God will send His angels to protect and bear You up, also in the 3rd temptation – I will give You the nations to worship You – if You will worship me; our Saviour triumphed over Satan and his wiles.
Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. Teach us how to stand against temptation in the power and victory of Christ. Amen
February 8 – Father, thank You for how You create us to reflect Your nature and likeness so that the world may see Jesus in and through us. Our character, integrity, personality and spiritual gifts are all key to reflecting our identity in Christ, to our relationships with others, and at the heart of living out the life of Christ within.
Therefore, we pray that these four areas in us will be made secure and protected against Satan and the world which seek to gain mastery over us. We ask for spiritual insight, understanding and power because these are the areas where the battle so often happens.
We pray that our Character will mature and be transformed to be like Christ’s – our moral base/code, and ethical values revealing Your deep work of sanctification in each of us. The moral base is what we believe – the Bible is our moral base and we pray that as we read Your sacred word, it will come alive in us and produce a good harvest of righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit.
Ethical values are how we live out the teachings, injunctions and rules for life that we find in the Bible. Ethics is the application and science of our morality. In the New Testament, obeying Jesus’ commands is the source for true spiritual freedom and life. Grant us the understanding to be able to obey Your word in every given setting and season in life. In Jesus’ name. Amen
February 9 – Father, integrity is the level to which we are committed, each and every day, to live by and out what we believe to be true in Your word. Thank You for the love of Christ which compels us to both obey and apply Your truth.
Enable us to operate in our spiritual gift/s in such a way so that we may impart Your life in Christ to others, and be a person of integrity living out our moral beliefs through a word and Spirit-led ethical code. Grant us the grace and wisdom to be people of integrity living when people are watching, and when they are not. When it is easy to do so, and when costly to do so.
Integrity is about denying ourselves that which is not conducive to the life of self-sacrifice and self-control, daily taking up our cross and following Jesus. Integrity means that we will act, react, behave and reason in Christ-honouring ways even when no-one else is watching. May the ministry of Telford Elim, in person and online, lead to the development of such godly people. In Jesus’ name. Amen
February 10 – Father, thank You that Your personality is most wonderfully revealed in the life of Christ, but also in the ongoing relationship we have with Your Holy Spirit. He embodies everything You are, and deals with us exactly as Jesus would have during His Incarnation – Hallelujah!
As we think about our personalities and whether they are attractive and draw people to Christ, or rooted in our past and still contain significant measures of self, sin and the world – we pray for the grace to develop Christ-like personalities.
As we read and apply the principles of Scripture we are choosing the wise pathway. Scripture allows us to know our personality at any given moment and this is so helpful as we consider ways to become more Christ-like. By the leading and power of Your Spirit and word, in time, our personality can grow, develop and positively change into one that is hope-filled, generous, humble and full of Christian dignity and grace.
We pray that we all will learn each and every day – through the example of others, choosing to read helpful books and by prayer – how to develop into more Christ-honouring, community conscious, self-effacing and engaging people. Bless our interactions with believers of good and wise hearts, and may we develop into such people ourselves. In Jesus’ name and for His glory. Amen
February 11 – Father, by being honest and transparent before Jesus, with the Spirit and word’s help, brings victory, and deepens our love and commitment to You. Following such a pathway leads to acting in accordance to our new nature fashioned like Christ’s, learning how to walk in His desires – knowing that His word is true and life changing.
As we consider the spiritual gifts – they are important in helping shape us into Christ-honouring people who can encourage others, build them up, and strengthen them in the faith. This is where Your spiritual gift/gifts come into their own.
To be Spirit-filled means that I have the wonderful Holy Spirit working in me to a greater degree than if I am not living a Spirit-filled life. Thank You that He creates a word-based focus, and guides me in how to be true to Christ.
We pray that the ministries of Telford Elim, online and in person, will help guard people against the lust, allure and pride of this world. That the spiritual life we espouse, renewed in the image of Christ, will lead to people being renewed in the image of Christ as we all love Him, others as ourselves, and worship, live, serve, fellowship, give and witness for Him. Amen
February 12 – Father, as we think of the battle within – teach us how to develop our godly moral base, and ethically apply these biblically based morals in and through our lives. You are focussed on our character, and its godly development. Holy Spirit, teach me how to partner with You and Your word in the spiritual reformation of my character.
Your word teaches us not to steal. Grant us the understanding to be able ethically apply this commandment each and every day. Are there times when we steal by robbing You of what is rightfully Yours? Forgive us, Lord, and lead us to a place of obedience and trust.
As a church, bless all who lead and teach. We pray for Your anointing, guidance and Spirit’s power in Telford Elim, in person and online, so we can help people grow in godly character.
We pray for all who are struggling with their emotions, thoughts, and the application of Your word – for breakthrough into a new season of obedience, growth and godliness. In Jesus’ name. Amen
February 13 – Father, enable me to focus on the importance of integrity – that I will be consistent, faithful and obedient to Your word and will in every season and every setting. That Your wonderful Spirit will equip and strengthen me to be the same obedient son or daughter when I am with people or on my own.
Continue to work on my personality so it carries the fragrance of heaven. That I will carry Your presence in my life so people see Jesus in me – even when I am not aware of Your presence. I desire to have a personality that reflects on Jesus – open, generous, attractive, warm and Christ-like.
Fill me with Your Spirit. If there is anyone in our church who is not Spirit-filled – I pray for a deep hunger to awaken within them a yearning and overwhelming desire for the baptism in the Spirit. The Spirit’s fullness changes us, and when we walk in the Spirit – You lead us into Your way, will and purposes. Holy Spirit, come!
Teach me how to operate in the gifts You give. May You pour out Your gifts in and through Telford Elim, in person and online. In Jesus’ name. Amen