Daily Prayers 5-11 June

Daily Prayers 5-11 June

June 5 – This week’s prayer letter focuses on praying for us to experience and more fully understand God’s Fatherhood.

Father, as we come to You today – we do so in such hope. You are wonderful, marvellous and great. We acknowledge and give thanks that Your Son has enabled us to come into relationship with You.

As we pray and give thanks, we meditate on all Your goodness to us. As we consider Your word and ways, we confess that they are always true, always loving and always just. Lead us deeper into that place of developing intimacy and relationship with You.

We proclaim You to be loving and accepting of all who believe into salvation in Jesus.

Zephaniah 3:17, ‘The LORD your God is with you, He is mighty to save. He will take great delight in you, He will quiet you with His love, He will rejoice over you with singing.’ We meditate on and stand on this verse. In Jesus’ name. Amen

June 6 – Father, we pray for our brothers and sisters in Christ across the globe. As we pray for them, we ask that they may know the full extent of Your love for them in Jesus, the full extent of Your commitment to their salvation and good, and the enormity of the resources of grace You have committed to the salvation, sustaining and blessing of Your children.

We ask that where there has been misunderstanding and lack of clarity in the minds of Your children about Your nature, love and joy over them – may this darkness be steadily overcome by the light of Christ until Your full-light and rejoicing over them breaks out in the hearts and minds of all Your children. In Jesus’ name. Amen

June 7 – Father, there are no words to describe the wonder of Your Son. He is everything and more that we could ever hope that the Master of All could be. He is the majestic full-expression of all that You are. We honour Him, praise and extol Him, and declare His name, Jesus above all.

You are amazing in Your relationship together, too excellent for a mere mortal to comprehend fully, and so full of love, grace and mercy. We worship You.

We ask that we may be able to reflect the wonder of that love and relationship that You have together in and through the relationships we have with our fellow believers here in our church, in person and online, and beyond.

Enable us to better appreciate and understand Your commitment to us in Christ. We need the Spirit to lead us into the full security of our adoption into Your family, by Your Spirit (Romans 8:15-17).

Grant us a clearer understanding and growing experience of Your commitment to us – a revelation of what Your fatherhood means for us, and how this changes us in godly ways.

We chose to submit to You as Father, and pray for more people to come into an experience of Your fatherhood. In Jesus’ name. Amen

June 8 – Father, not only has Your Son come to reveal who You are, and rebuild the broken relationship which our first human father Adam tore apart by His sin and disobedience through His life, death, resurrection, ascension and ongoing heavenly ministry, but You have also sent Your Spirit to be with us each and every day.

Your Spirit’s presence, power, grace and love are completely different from everything else on this earth. May all that He is be revealed in and through my life, our church, and the Church in these British Isles.

Holy Spirit, we ask that You guide us into all truth so that, not only will our mission to the world be as effective as it can be leading many to Jesus as Lord and Saviour, but also that we may step up into that spiritual plain which is the place where great saints walk hand in hand with You.

Holy Spirit, lead us deeper into the Father’s love. And also guide us through the process of discipline, chastisement and correction that all of the Father’s children have to go through at different points in their lives.

May each one of us hold on in faith, keep looking to Jesus our Mediator and Saviour, and trust the Father’s corrective work in our lives so that the peaceable fruit of righteousness is produced in each one of our lives. In Jesus’ name. Amen

June 9 – Father, as we come to You today, wash over us by Your divine Word, and Your cleansing Spirit. He is the true purifying water we need.

He rightly applies Your Word to remove the accumulated build up of the lime scale of this world’s principle’s, values and untruths from our hands: our work and service – our feet: the Way we take/journey every day in life – and mind: the way we think, react and make decisions.

Purify us this day and continue the process of removing these soulish and worldly infections from being determining factors in our lives.

Lord, help Ukraine this day. The flooding from the collapse and destruction of the Nova Kakhovka dam is a huge humanitarian and ecological disaster. We pray for grace, mercy and recovery for all engulfed by the flood waters, those impacted by ongoing fighting, and the longterm impact on communities, agriculture and the environment in that bread basket region.

We pray for a redemptive impact which leads to many turning to Christ, and for Your hand and favour to be on the Ukrainian authorities as they work and battle to restore wholeness to their land, communities and environment.

We pray for Russia to leave all the Ukrainian territory so that the pre-2014 borders are re-established, and all territory that it has invaded and annexed is liberated from Russian occupation so that Ukraine is a self-governing and independent nation able to live in peace and safety, and to rebuild its shattered land and economy. In Jesus’ name and for His glory. Amen

June 10 – Father, today as Pastor’s Alisha and Samuel are ordained as Elim ministers, and all who are being ordained alongside them – we pray blessing on all who are travelling to the ordination ceremony, those who will watch online, all taking part in the actual ceremony itself, and all being ordained.

May each minister be a strong, Spirit-filled, and Christ-honouring person who leads in Elim for many years to come as a safe pair of hands, a wise pastor, and fruitful minister. Endow them with the anointing needed, and grant the grace, resilience and strength each person and family needs as they support and live alongside each newly ordained minister.

I pray that they all will have a great revelation of Your Fatherly love, care and oversight, Your Son’s covenant faithfulness, favour and grace, and Your Spirit’s presence, power and fullness in their lives and ministries. In Jesus’ name. Amen

June 11 – Father, as we have prayed this week, thank You for the fresh bread and revelation You have given us. May there be a new level of ongoing intimacy and appreciation in our relationship.

Sustain us in the times of testing, trial and temptation – guide us into Christ’s victory and victorious living in the times of conflict, witness and frontline living, serving and working in our church, communities, and the world – guide us into You living in the centre of Your will.

May Your Son be lifted up, may Your Spirit be more clearly known and His presence and power experienced, and may the full reality of all You are as Father God be increasingly revealed because of our relationship with You through Christ, by our lives, our church’s witness and worship in person and online. In Jesus’ name. Amen