Daily Prayers 30 October – 5 November

Daily Prayers 30 October – 5 November

30 Oct – This week’s prayer letter is developed from a blog article on Reframing Culture – Renewing Society:

We often talk about the encroachment and power of the Culture of the post-Christian Society we live in. What we mean is that the behaviour, norms, beliefs, moral values and practices of the world impact everyone in it in antichrist ways.

The Culture which underpins, sets and creates the general outlook, lifestyle and aspirations of the people who live together in the UK, and Western world – the Society we live in, are united largely in antichrist their outlook on the world.

Father, culture influences how people think and view the world, what is right and what is wrong in it. Society pressures people to conform to the dominant Culture and thus Culture shapes Society, while Society forces those with a different view to conform to the prevailing Culture.

As we pray this week into this issue – grant us insight, understanding and the anointing of the Spirit we need to pray effectively to see breakthrough and spiritual renewal in our nation. In Jesus’ name. Amen

Oct 31 – The Culture that is dominant in our nation today is a Dark Culture. The reason is that it is largely:

i. antichrist – Rejects Christ as Saviour and the world’s rightful Lord;

ii. Is Pluralist – there is more than one source of authority – the Bible is one among many sources of authority;

iii. Rationalist – the view that reason, science and knowledge are the fundamental truths of Society rather than religious theology, belief or morals.

Father, we pray for the exposing of the dark roots of the culture around us. May Christ be exalted in our nation.

We pray that pluralism will be overcome and Your Bible’s truth brought to the heart of our nation. That the limitations of human wisdom and knowledge are understood in the context of Your word, will and way. Bring Your word and its timeless truth back to be the underpinning truth our Society. In Jesus’ name. Amen. 

Nov 1 – The Dark Culture also includes:

iv. Materialism – the approach which teaches that material possessions and physical comfort are more important than spiritual values;

v. Evolution is believed as a fact – that evolution is based in chance with no intelligent design behind it, and therefore that the biblical Creation narratives are false;

& vi. Nihilist – we will all die anyhow so religious and moral certainties are meaningless.

Father, we continue to pray against the dark roots which underpin our Culture. You say in Your word that we are not to labour for that which perishes, but for that which leads to eternal life. Repentance and faith in Christ, and then following Jesus as a whole-hearted disciples are at the heart of Your plan for people.

Denying the Creation narratives in the Bible undermines the whole of the Bible. May many people come to appreciate the power of Your word.

Instead of the emptiness of modern philosophy, including nihilism, we pray for the establishment of positive, faith-filled and hope-filled Christ-honouring communities across our land. In Jesus’ name. Amen

Nov 2 – Father, it is easy to see how our modern, post-Christian Dark Culture is reshaping Society away from the Christian certainties which once were the basis for it. At the heart of the Society in this nation, until the 1950s, created by a biblical, Christian-Judeo Culture, was fairness, a Christian moral base, and ethics derived from Christianity.

Instead, today’s Dark Culture is creating a more fluid, open to ungodly influence, Satanic and antichrist Society. These dark forces mean that Society at large is forcing these views upon the Christians who reject such an outlook because it is antagonistic to all Christ’s followers who stand on Your truth.

It is becoming increasing difficult to openly disagree with the prevailing Dark Culture because Society is becoming increasingly intolerant of anyone who opposes its prevailing Cultural identity.

Instead of the freer, more open, just and tolerant Society that people claim – we see arising a more fearful, closed, unjust and intolerant Society.

We pray that this truth will become clear, and that many people will realise that the Society the Dark Culture is creating is destructive, decaying and empty. We pray that biblical values, morals and outlook will begin to be re-established in this nation. In Jesus’ name. Amen

Nov 3 – Father, as we pray this week – how can we understand this state of affairs? I think there are three things:

1. Recognise how the post-Christian Dark Culture is reshaping Society which in turn is imposing its antichrist Dark Culture on those who do not conform to its worldly outlook.

2. Understand the six basic building blocks of the post-Christian Dark Culture I mentioned above and how these are driving the change in our nation.

3. See it in terms of rebellion against Your Word, Ways and Will. It is no accident that these six elements are coming together at this time in our Society.

Lord, enable us to not only understand all of this, but to be able to engage with Culture and Society on the terms of Your word and in Your Spirit’s power to see the godly, righteous change we are praying for. In Jesus’ name. Amen

Nov 4 – Father, at the heart of each part of Dark Culture is a rejection of the biblical truth about sin, sinful human nature, the antichrist power of the world’s Culture, and Satan’s dark power to rob, kill and destroy.

By embracing this Dark Culture, Society is embracing everything that leads to the robbing of Your blessing and favour from it. Following this pathway is one of spiritual death, and the ultimate destruction of that Society itself as it openly opposes Christ.

Redemption in Christ is the only lasting answer to this decay. In Jesus, new life is promised. We pray that many will repent and turn in faith to Christ.

How do we reframe our Culture and thus renew Society in a Christ-honouring way?

As Christians I believe we need to become much more Kingdom of God minded. As we develop our understanding of the Kingdom, learn more about being citizens of Your Kingdom, and transfer our loyalty to the King of the Kingdom – this has a profound influence on others. Embolden and equip us to grasp these opportunities. In Jesus’ name. Amen

Nov 5 – Father, as Christ’s light shines through Your Kingdom minded people, that light exposes darkness – and the darkness cannot overcome it. It is only Christ’s light shining through our words, actions, attitudes and spirituality that has the power to transform our Society.

Lord, empower us to be Kingdom minded people living out the principles and power of the Kingdom in our everyday lives. Such a lifestyle enables us to overcome the Dark Culture replacing it with a biblical Culture which honours Christ, establishes His Moral base in Society, and fills our Society with His word, love and saving grace. Amen