Daily Prayers 28 November – 4 December

Daily Prayers 28 November – 4 December

The Daily Prayers this week are on Receiving Jesus’ Life.

28 Nov – Father, thank You for the gift of Your Son. We give You thanks and praise that You held nothing back, in Christ; all that we need for our salvation is found in Him. Christ’s cleansing, powerful blood overcomes sin, self, the world and Satan.

Lord Jesus, thank You for the gifts of Your salvation and peace. It is a salvation that produces a peace that transcends our understanding – a peace the world cannot give – a peace that flows from You to us. It is a peace rooted in the fact that in Christ we are right with You. Hallelujah!

We pray for Otium Sanctum – the holy rest and peace of the soul. Richard Foster, ‘Otium Sanctum – “holy leisure,” refers to a balance in life, an ability to be at peace through the activities of the day, an ability to rest and take time to enjoy beauty, an ability to pace ourselves properly each day.’

Lord, may Otium Sanctum be the hallmark of each person in Telford Elim, in person and online. Amen

Nov 29 – Father, Christ is the Propitiation for our sins – that is, He turned away Your wrath thereby opening the way for a relationship based on Shalom with You. This becomes ours through our faith-union with our wonderful Saviour.

We are humbled by Christ’s dedication and humility – Your beloved Son was whole-heartedly committed to the pathway of the Cross. We give You, Father, Son and Spirit, the praise, honour and glory for the Atonement, for Penal, Substitutionary Atonement.

This means that ‘on our behalf and in our place Christ bore, on the Cross, the punishment due to us on account of our sin, and brought us pardon and reconciliation with God in righteousness’ B Milne.

We pray for any today who are struggling under the burden of guilt, shame, unrighteousness or condemnation. May they turn to Christ in repentance and with humility, and thereby experience the Life of Freedom Jesus said would be the hallmark of those living in Him. Amen 

Nov 30 – Lord Jesus, Your Power and authority are absolute. You have all authority. You have the power to act in every setting according to Your perfect will. All authority belongs to You (Matthew 28:18), including all power and authority over the powers of darkness (Ephesians 1:19-23).

We pray that connecting with Your power and authority will be a central foundation of our Church’s worship and ministry. May we be completely submissive to You, completely consumed by whole-hearted devotion to You, and transformed by Your truth each and every day.

Fill us with Your Spirit, and grant us Heaven’s anointing to be the best possible Christian witnesses we can be – empower us to be effective witnesses leading many people into the Kingdom, and making many strong disciple-making disciples as a result. Amen

1 Dec – Lord Jesus, Your Purposes are always pure and true. You always act in perfect harmony with Your Father and Spirit. You desire for us to have a revelation of all You are as Messiah/Christ. 

You are Prophet – You spoke Words of Life dispelling our ignorance and lack of knowledge concerning God’s will; yet, You are also the very Word of God Himself, and Your words not only come as revelation, but also impart the knowledge of Your eternal nature and being – the great I AM.

As Priest – You represent us to God, act as our Mediator bridging the gulf between humanity and God, redemption being at the heart of this. In You we can connect truly with Father in a loving, life-giving relationship. This wonderful relationship is at the heart of Your Kingdom and its reality. 

You are our great Kinsman-Redeemer taking our human flesh, in the Incarnation, ‘and acting on our behalf to save us from the curse and dominion of sin’ B Milne.

You are also the Regal Lord and King in the line of David; the King of the Kingdom of God establishing the rule of God among all who will repent and believe into You, saved by You.

As a result, You vanquish the power of sin and self, the world and Satan and the powers of darkness. May the scope and reality of Your victory on the Cross be revealed through the worship and ministry of our Church, in person and online.

As a result of Your Prophetic office, may we, as a church, be saturated with Your life giving words.

As a result of Your Priestly office, may we, as a church, enter fully into a sacred space where we are being cleansed and sanctified through our worship and service, giving and witness, our fellowship together – a Spirit-led church that’s prayer ministry enables all You call us to do.

Under the authority and power of Your Kingly office, may Your Kingdom come and Your will be done in and through Telford Elim, in person and online. Amen 

2 Dec – Lord Jesus, You are completely Pure. In Your Incarnation You were without sin, above reproach and completely submitted to Your Father’s will.

You desire for us to walk in purity, righteousness, justice and truth. Your very throne is established in righteousness and justice. Lovingkindness, mercy and truth are the hallmarks of Your ministry. Guide us along Your righteous pathway.

We would to serve You whole-heartedly; therefore, we ask that You will fill us with Your life. We declare that daily we will rise in faith and humility drawing upon Your grace, and living in the fullness of Your life-giving Spirit – thereby opening doors to new, Christ-honouring possibilities.

We pray for godly purity to be established in our lives as a result of our commitment to all-in, whole-life discipleship. We continue to pray for sure foundations firmly established in You our Cornerstone – we pray that this manner of life will be the experience of each person in church, in each ministry, and in our church as a whole, in person and online.

We pray for the establishing of such godly purity, character and ministry throughout the Telford & Wrekin Church. Amen

3 Dec – Lord Jesus, You are the great Baptiser in the Holy Spirit; therefore, fill each of us more than ever before with Your Spirit so that more areas of our lives – our memories, characters, personalities, actions, experiences, talents, gifts and time – are sanctified.

Your Spirit is the Agent of Pentecostal Zeal. We pray for the establishing of such zeal in the life of each person who comes to our church – a holy zeal for following You, denying ourselves and taking up our crosses daily, for being Your Spirit-empowered witnesses in these days.

May the Spirit’s fullness be an identifying hallmark of Telford Elim. We pray for the removal of any spiritual strongholds that are not established by the Spirit, or which are not under Your Lordship.

Instead, may many be rooted deeply into You. We pray for the establishment of Your Kingdom through our lives in the streets, neighbourhoods and areas of Telford.


4 Dec – Lord Jesus, Your Presence is a tangible experiential absolute truth – a revelation of Your Shekinah Glory. May there be an overflow of Your, tangible presence in my life, and in our gathering together today in church.

As we come together into Your presence, we ask that each of us may leave with the aroma of Your presence and love filling our lives. May we be presence led – fill our lives with Your love, and empower us to point others to You with many of them being saved.

May the spiritual life of the Church across Telford & Wrekin be enriched because of Your presence in each of our lives. Fill our church, in person and online, with Your presence, life and truth; empower us to be a church which has ministries that are Spirit-led and empowered – fruitful, flourishing ministries.

Father, may Your presence fill our Church, and anoint us to point our town, Borough and County to Christ as Saviour and Lord; as a result, may this lead to the salvation of large numbers of children, young people, young adults, women and men.

Guide us so that we develop mature disciples who are godly in character using their giftings to make new disciples, further Your Kingdom’s cause, and establish Your reign in the hearts and lives of many more people across our Borough and County, and beyond as we minister online. In Jesus’ name. Amen