The prayers this week are again written around the spiritual gift of speaking in tongues, and are written by Pastor Leslie.
June 27 – Father, thank You for the different elements to tongue speaking revealed in the NT.
First, we ask for clarity of understanding around a ‘Message in tongues’ (cf. 1 Corinthians 12:10, 28). A number of commentators would point out that since tongues are spoken to You from our spirit, under the Holy Spirit’s anointing, then the interpretation should also point to You, or reveal something about You, or be a prayer to You.
This should be followed by an interpretation of the message given in the person’s own language. This interpretation should also glorify You and perhaps point towards Christ.
Prophesy is normally man-ward, given from You to a community, church, man or woman to make clear Your word and will; it also sometimes can be a predictive prophesy about some future event or happening.
It is such a wonderful part of a small group or church service, when someone gives a message in tongues. May You equip more to give this within our church – the boldness, sensitivity to the Spirit, and understanding to give as inspired by the Spirit.
May any interpretation of the message ultimately glorify You, and point people towards our Lord Jesus. Pour out Your Spirit in greater measure upon our church. In Jesus’ name. Amen
June 28 – Father, it is wonderful to be in a gathering of Your people where there is thanksgiving/blessing in tongues (cf. 1 Corinthians 14:16-17), often not as singing in tongues.
That sense of the reverence, of being part of Your worshipping body, of overcoming self-consciousness and giving thanks and blessing to You, to our wonderful Saviour, and to the blessed Holy Spirit, in full-assurance of faith and hope – is liberating and inspiring.
Lord, we acknowledge Your word tells us that tongues do not build up others because they do not understand or benefit from the words spoken; nevertheless; You certainly do understand the thanks given to You in the Spirit, and accept these tongues as good and honouring.
We pray for the further development of this wonderful aspect of worship – thanksgiving and blessing in tongues in our church and its small groups – may it always be done decently and in order, in a truly Spirit-inspired manner, and in a way that is Christ-honouring. As we do so – it will release much spiritual power among us. Amen
June 29 – Father, singing in tongues includes praise and is part of our worship (cf. 1 Corinthians 14:15b). However, whereas blessing and thanksgiving in tongues, and singing praise in tongues are all directed towards You – there is an aspect of singing in tongues which can be directed, in faith, at a particular situation or spiritual hope.
Numbers 21:17, Your people sang prophetically to the well at Beer, ‘spring up, O well! All of you sing to it…’ This was a powerful prophetic life-giving singing which came as a result of the direction about the leaders digging a well and the people receiving the fresh water.
When I hear a person truly singing in the Spirit – it is a beautiful experience; it is both uplifting and sacred. When people sing in the Spirit, it is a particularly pure form of praise as it removes self-consciousness or praise that is intended to reflect well on the one giving the praise. Sadly, even our praise can be tainted by human weakness and vanity – forgive us, Lord, when this happens.
You are also said to sing over Your people – ‘The Lord your God is among you, a warrior who saves. He will rejoice over you with gladness. He will be quiet in His love. He will delight in you with singing’ (Zephaniah 3:17, CSB).
Teach us also about the Holy Spirit’s singing ministry among us – namely singing in and through us…Hallelujah. Teach us how to sing in tongues – also about singing in the Spirit as part of our spiritual warfare – and how to develop prophetic, life-giving singing among us. In Jesus’ name. Amen
June 30 – Father, thank You for the intercession of the Spirit (Romans 8:26-27). Although He can take the inner groans and turn them into meaningful intercessory prayers, He also can use tongues as intercessory prayer (cf. 1 Corinthians 14:14-15a).
Praying in tongues can include praying about circumstances which are too complicated, or difficult, or big for our normal language with its limited vocabulary. Prayer in unknown or various tongues may include interceding for others, or for situations where we need Your breakthrough, or for our village, town, county or nation.
Thank You for the example of Jackie Pullinger, who said that the thing that added much power and grace to her ministry was deliberately setting aside 15 minutes a day to pray in tongues. It is something she practiced with great dedication for many years.
There are times that we do not know what to pray for or how to pray in a particular situation or for a particular need. Again, we are asking for the development of praying in tongues in each person in our church.
Thank You for those who do so – may more people come to realise how important and helpful this form of prayer is. In Jesus’ name. Amen
July 1 – Father, thank You for how tongues can edify or strengthen me in the faith (cf. 1 Corinthians 14:4). When I am weak or in a vulnerable position spiritually with the enemy circling – as I pray in tongues, I am encouraged, strengthened and more victorious.
Our spirits are most directly built up by time spent in Your presence in prayer and worship. We pray for any who do not yet have this experience of the Holy Spirit, and the gift of unknown tongues – we ask that You will create a hunger in many so they themselves will then hunger and thirst for Your Spirit’s fullness asking You to fill them.
Lord, You only give the Spirit to Your children – to those intent on honouring the name of Christ. As You fill them with Your Spirit – we pray for an outpouring of Kingdom growth in and through our church, in person and online.
We also pray that signs will accompany the Spirit’s fullness one, or more of the following: a new power for ministry – overflowing joy – Spirit-inspired praise – clear prophetic utterances – various or unknown tongues – unity of purpose with their brothers and sisters in Christ – a new level of generosity willing to personally sacrifice in order to bless and help others – a compulsion to identify with Christ – and be His witnesses.
Your Spirit’s presence changes our lives. I pray that each day I will live continually filled with Your Spirit.
As we are Christ’s Spirit-filled witnesses in our homes, schools, workplaces, marketplaces, online, during leisure, and in our communities – we pray for many souls to be saved. In and through the people and ministries of Telford Elim, in person and online, give us souls, Lord. In Jesus’ name and for His glory. Amen
July 2 – Father, thank You for the wonder of how tongues are a sign to unbelievers of the presence of Your Kingdom. This may happen during a corporate gathering which includes praying, singing and thanksgiving in tongues, possibly also a message in tongues (cf. 1 Corinthians 14:21-22).
This does not give us a license to act in a manner which suggests disorder and confusion in the church – leaving unbelievers thinking that we are ecstatic’s dancing and raving out of control, imitators of the world’s drug fuelled false worship, and useless to Christ’s mission to the world.
Rather, we pray that each aspect of our church’s use of tongues will be under the unction, anointing, directing and empowerment of the Spirit, and fully accountable to the small group leader, or the service lead if in a church service. In Jesus’ name. Amen
July 3 – Father, corporate praying in tongues is also something that You have given as a blessing to the church, and as an effective means of us joining together in intercession and prayer beyond our own understanding.
I believe that praying in tongues as a group of people is something that can be really effective. It should happen in a designated prayer meeting when people are earnestly praying, or during our small groups – not so much in a Sunday morning gathering when non-believers may be present.
Holy Spirit, educate us in this so that we do it sensitively and effectively under Your leadership, and so that such times do not degenerate into something that dishonours Christ. May all things be done courteously and in Spirit-led order, but wholeheartedly, and fully open to the leading of Your blessed Holy Spirit. In Jesus’ name. Amen