Day 25 – Father, although they know they will reap a reward for living sacrificially – the godly don’t give to get back more; no, they give of their worship, witness and selves, their talents, time and treasure because that is who they are in Christ.
Father, in Jesus by the Spirit, You are so generous to us, and so, we do not hoard the love, mercy and grace You have provided and we have received. Instead, we live as worshippers, witnesses and a sacrificial people in Spirit and truth who are thankful, being transformed, and who love, show mercy and share the Gospel with its abundance of grace.
We do this because we have received from You all the provision needed, and are receiving all that we need, and will receive all we will need as we deny self, takes up our crosses daily, and continue to follow Jesus.
You lavish on us Your mercy, love and grace because You are the true generous One – empower and anoint us to live with an open handed attitude to life rather than a closed fist approach.
Father, we pray that because we are drinking from the river of Your delights, and are drawing from Your wellspring of life – that there will be an abundance of the life of Christ present in Telford Elim, in person and online, in the lives of everyone who belongs to our church, and in the new season as we seek to acquire the new building of Your choice. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
Day 26 – Lord Jesus, You came to give us abundant life – a life the world cannot give. The psalmist David also knew that Your house was a place of abundance. He often spoke about his delight at going up to the Your house.
The church is us, Your body and people – we are also a house of the Lord indwelt by the Spirit; but Your house is also the building in which Your people meet to worship, fellowship, give, share communion, and hear Your word preached.
Telford Elim was built from a vision given by You – built in faith, and by the generous giving of Your people here. It is a centre – a meeting house where we meet together in person and online, but also meet together in Spirit; a place where fellowship happens.
May our church continue to be led by You as we seek to move into a larger venue, filled even more by Your presence, and minister the Gospel with a growing anointing and empowerment by Your Spirit and word to more and more people, in person and online. Amen
Day 27 – Thank You Father, that ‘fellowship’ is a New Testament word which means more than simply being in a social club together – it is about a shared identity in Christ, a spiritual communion or gathering of Your people – believers in Jesus. Thus when we meet, we are meeting with Jesus and with each other, and sharing in fellowship with Jesus and the Holy Spirit, and each other.
Christ’s light is pure. Compared to Christ’s light – the world’s light is dark, ugly and tainted. It is His light that is the true light of the world by which men, women, young adults, young people and children can see as You see, understand as You understand, and know as they are known. May His light be seen in the heart of our communities through our church and its people.
May this full Gospel message be proclaimed in increasing power by Telford Elim, in person and online; and we know that Your word never returns to You void and without accomplishing that which You sent it to achieve. Hallelujah! In Jesus’ name. Amen
Day 28 – Psalm 36:5-9, NLT, ‘Your unfailing love, O Lord, is as vast as the heavens; Your faithfulness reaches beyond the clouds. 6Your righteousness is like the mighty mountains, Your justice like the ocean depths. You care for people and animals alike, O Lord. 7How precious is Your unfailing love, O God! All humanity finds shelter in the shadow of your wings.
8You feed them from the abundance of Your own house, letting them drink from Your river of delights. 9For You are the fountain of life, the light by which we see.’
Verses 8-9, CSB, ‘They are filled from the abundance of Your house. You let them drink from your refreshing stream. 9For the wellspring of life is with You. By means of Your light we see light.’
We look to You for the provision of living water, fresh bread, and godly favour we need to step out and into that which You are calling us to do. In the name of Jesus. Amen
We thank You, Lord, that You use difficulties and delays to perfect and develop our trust in You. We very often don’t understand Your ways of working in our lives, and You often do the unexpected and work in mysterious ways. Help us to be patient in our hours of need as we look to You for your provision and blessing.
We give thanks in all circumstances bringing glory to Jesus. Amen.
Day 29 – Steve Higgins: Prayer for The Kingdom
Heavenly Father, we stand on Your truth that we are all one in the body of Christ, just as You, the Son and Holy Spirit are one. Let your heartbeat among us be so that together we are unified to You and your will.
We pray for unity and peace in the body of Christ. We stand against every label that serves to divide Your people: labels like denomination, political party affiliation, race, ethnicity, nation of origin and economic status.
We declare we are one in Christ and stand against the spirits of confusion, arrogance, deceit, division and pride. May we be like minded and there be no division in the Spirit among us.
May Your agape love so fill us to overflowing so that we can love our neighbours as ourselves. Lord, You said that in Christ there is neither Jew nor Greek, bond nor free, male nor female – we are all one in Him.
We confess and stand on Your truth that we are all one in Christ Jesus so we will put on love in the bond of peace. May Your Kingdom come and Your will be done in and through Telford Elim. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
Day 30 – Conclusion by Pastor Leslie
Father, we want to say, ‘together we will make this church a vibrant, worshipping, serving, giving, witnessing Kingdom building church which glorifies the Lord Jesus.’
Our vision is ‘following Jesus inspires us to dream big and attempt the impossible.’ To do this we need to create Kingdom builders who follow Jesus, expanding His Kingdom here – may our vision run and be successful in Your Kingdom’s purposes in and through Telford Elim, in person and online.
Kingdom builders say: I have died with Christ, it is no longer I but Christ who lives in me; therefore, ‘here I am to worship and serve alongside you.’
Kingdom builders answer Your call, belong because You have placed them in the local church, and therefore they call it their spiritual home. As my spiritual home, I am all in.
As a church lead us forward following Jesus to see Your Kingdom come as we grow our ministries and step into a larger building. In His name, and for His glory. Amen
Oct 1 – At the start of a new month, we will reflect on the previous month of prayer. It is good to focus as a church on something that is really important to us – the Kingdom building vision. A verse that has been important is Philippians 4:19, CSB, ‘And my God will supply all your needs according to his riches in glory in Christ Jesus.’
This verse is contextually linked to verses 6-7, about the importance of praying about everything with thanksgiving, and the peace of God then guarding against all anxiety:
‘6Don’t worry about anything, but in everything, through prayer and petition with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. 7And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus. 19And my God will supply all your needs according to his riches in glory in Christ Jesus.’
Thank You, Father, this sets Your provision not as some isolated gift that we have no part in, but in the context of not worrying about anything, but in everything in life, praying and petitioning You about everything with thanksgiving, presenting our requests to Him.
And then Your peace guards our hearts and minds, and His provision is supplied to meet all our needs – ‘in keeping with the wealth that is His in glory made available to you in Christ Jesus’ (G Fee, Philippians, NICNT, 454, his rendering of verse 19). Thank You. In Jesus’ name. Amen.