Kingdom Building Vision
This week’s prayers are written by Pastor Leslie. The aim of these prayers is to help us pray into the Kingdom Building vision that was announced in church on Sunday morning:
May 23 – Father, as we pray this week about the vision presented on Sunday morning in church – we know that You are at work among us. Thank You for every person who is a member, comes to the building, or joins Telford Elim online. You know exactly what each one carries, their hopes, dreams, families, work, studies, lives, service, challenges and opportunities.
Lord, You also know each person in Telford and Shropshire who do not yet know Jesus as their Lord and Saviour. We pray that Your word, the Gospel, will be sown in many minds, hearts and lives because of Telford Elim, its people and ministries.
May Jesus be lifted high, Jesus brought near, and Jesus revealed as we share the Good News, live, work and do life in this area.
Holy Spirit, we ask for Your presence, peace and power to be at work among us as we seek to develop a church full of Kingdom Builders; Your conviction, challenge and love flowing out of our church to those You bring across our paths on a daily basis – so they are awakened to their need of Jesus the Saviour, and many drawn to repent and trust in Jesus for their salvation.
You are the God who sent Isaiah to be Your spokesperson – You called and appointed Jeremiah as a young man – You called Moses to lead Your people as an old man – You raised up Deborah to deliver Your people – You call each one of us to join You in Your mission to the world.
In my life, Lord, reveal how You want me to get involved in this vision? Fill me with Your Spirit and word, here I am, Lord – I am available. In Jesus’ name. Amen
May 24 – ‘Following Jesus inspires us to dream big and attempt the impossible.’
Luke 9:23, NLT, ‘Then Jesus said to the crowd, “If any of you wants to be My follower, you must give up your own way [self-denial], take up your cross daily [a living sacrifice], and follow Me.’
Following Jesus requires the following 3 things of us:
1. A life of self-denial – Father, grant us the revelation we need to see that self-denial is about setting aside that which is harmful to our souls, and which You are calling us to stop doing. We pray that we will know that it is not about creating a vacuum in our lives, but about freeing us up to receive new things, and giving room for some of the wonderful seed You have planted into our lives to grow and not be choked by ‘self’s’ weeds.
2. A living sacrifice – You are call us to lay our lives down, take up our cross which is our intelligent service/worship. Holy Spirit, empower us to do so daily.
3. An obedient follower – following You, Lord Jesus, means walking the narrow way which is a different pathway that the world takes. Grant us the grace, wisdom and courage to follow You each and every day.
Lord, we know that learning how to do these three things together will create a culture in and through Telford Elim, in person and online, of ‘Jesus following,’ of ‘Kingdom building.’
Lord, Kingdom building requires us to expand our vision in order to dream big and attempt the humanly impossible, but divinely sanctioned in our day and generation – give us the understanding and vision we need to walk this pathway.
‘We can do all things through Christ who strengthens us’ (Philippians 4:13).
‘Now to Him who is able to do above and beyond all that we ask or think according to the power that works in us (Ephesians 3:20). Hallelujah! Amen
May 25 – Father, we are prayingthat we will create a Kingdom building focus and culture – Kingdom builders who follow Jesus. ‘Your Kingdom come and Your will be done.’
We ask that we will be a Spirit-filled and Vision led church. We pray for each of the following ministries in church – please pray as the Spirit leads you for each:
Children and Families’ ministry led by the Kids Extravaganza team.
Limitless Telford Youth led by Pastor Samuel.
Young Adult’s ministry led by Pastor Alisha.
Small Group’s ministry led by Steve Johnson.
Praise Team and our worship together led by Pastor Alisha, Nina Brazier and Steve Higgins.
Corporate prayer times led by Pastor Leslie.
Corporate services, gatherings and fellowship.
Online ministries.
And for Christ-honouring witnessing, outreach and Community Engagement – Kingdom building in Telford and Shropshire, and beyond. In Jesus’ name. Amen
May 26 – Father, we pray for the young people who will be baptized on Sunday morning – according to Your will. Bless them, and Pastor Samuel as he prepares them for their baptisms. May they know exactly why baptism is so important, be filled by Your Spirit, be protected as they prepare, are baptized, and in the days following, and live out their declaration of faith in Jesus throughout the rest of their lives.
As we think about the Rationale underpinning our church vision – we know it is about ministering to the whole person. Therefore, we pray for the following:
Head – that our thinking will be renewed by Your word, Spirit and our fellowship together. Healthy thinking leads to healthy, Christ-honouring living.
Heart – spiritual formation deep within us changing us as Christ is formed in us, not just behaviour modification on a surface level.
Hands – practical, loving worship, service and giving as we step out following Jesus in every area of our lives, church, service, giving, witnessing and fellowship together with Your people.
Health – ministering wholeness to the whole person, and to our communities as Your Spirit and word are at work among us. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
May 27 – Father, our aim through all of this is to create:
Worshippers who serve – John 4:23-24, CSB, ‘Yes, the Father wants such people to worship Him. 24God is spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in Spirit and in truth.’
Witnesses who share the Good News in the Spirit’s power – Acts 1:8, CSB, Jesus said, ‘’But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come on you, and you will be my witnesses…’
Disciples who make disciples – Matthew 28:19, ‘Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.’
Jesus followers who are filled with God’s love, and then love others with His love. 1 John 4:7, CSB, ‘Dear friends, let us love one another, because love is from God, and everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God.’ V. 16, ‘And we have come to know and to believe the love that God has for us. God is love, and the one who remains in love remains in God, and God remains in him.’ V. 18, ‘’There is no fear in love; instead, perfect love drives out fear, because fear involves punishment. So the one who fears is not complete in love.’ Amen
May 28 – Who are the church? Father, Your Church is made up of Your sons and daughters – You have no grandchildren. Kingdom builders are Your Church – they are not those who are content to have church done to them. What do we mean?
Lord, many are caught in the trap of church consumerism which says: give me the best experience and service possible, and I will come and worship with you. Kingdom builders say: I have died with Christ, it is no longer I but Christ who lives in me; therefore, ‘here I am to worship and serve with you.’
Lord, Kingdom builders answer Your call, belong because You have placed them in the local church, and therefore they can call it their spiritual home. As it is my spiritual home, I am all in.
Lord, we say, ‘together we will make this church a vibrant, worshipping, serving, giving, witnessing Kingdom building church which glorifies the Lord Jesus.’ We pray that our vision to create Kingdom builders who follow Jesus, expanding His Kingdom here – will be fulfilled in and through Telford Elim, in person and online. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
May 29 – Father, we pray that the baptisms today will go well, be a great witness to the world, and encourage others to think about their faith, and obedience to Your word and call. May today be the start of a season of many baptisms happening in Telford Elim as many come to Christ, are discipled and become disciple-makers themselves.
We pray that practically, there will be the continual development of the vision for each ministry in the church. Ephesians 4:11-12, ‘CSB, ‘And Jesus Himself gave some to be apostles, some prophets, some evangelists, some pastors and teachers, to equip the saints for the work of ministry, to build up the body of Christ.’
As Kingdom builders enable us to focus more on the fivefold and thus equipping us all for the work of ministry, living Spirit-filled lives to do so. We pray for the outworking of following two elements:
That we will expand our ministry to further equip Telford Elim to do Your work of Kingdom building, joining Jesus in His mission to our Borough and County.
That we will expand our capacity to receive the people You will entrust us with as we focus on Kingdom building – including a larger Sunday morning venue as a priority. In Jesus’ name. Amen.