Jun 22 – The Prayer Letter this week is on creating a godly space in our lives so Christ is glorified, and His nature directs the course and manner of our lives. Father, You are the God who set this globe in a seemingly infinite space. Our planet is set in a gigantic universe and appears minute in comparison to the Space around us; yet, even that universe, and its stars, is subservient to Your purposes – the Star that led the three Wise Men to Your Son’s abode in Bethlehem is a wonderful example.
It is a wonderful blessing to have the space to be and live in Christ without sin, self, the world or Satan spiritually smothering us – leading to claustrophobia of soul. You call us to a place of simplicity of soul where we are not dominated by sin or self or Satan, nor encumbered by the cares and weights of this world, but live in the bright, clear, sunny uplands of a godly and holy life. Our souls – that which unites us to humanity: our minds, emotions, relationships and will/choices – are designed to live in Your sacred presence side by side with other people. Thank You for the Creation of a sacred space for our souls to thrive, flourish and be enriched in fellowship with others in the unity of Your Spirit.
Throughout this period of Lockdown and Social Isolation – it has been hard not being able to go out and engage with other people; and yet, many have found a new place of freedom from the pressures and stresses of the modern, hectic lifestyles we live. As we open our minds to the concept of a holy, sacred space this week – guide and direct our prayers, by Your Spirit, so they move beyond ‘needs driven’ selfishly motivated prayers to those which are seeking to live ‘relationship driven whole-life communion’ lives both with You and each other. We want to live and walk with Your Spirit living with fullness of life, peace of soul, rest for our bodies in good fellowship with other believers. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
Jun 23 – Father, our modern society is so busy and hectic, and it so easily invades our personal space. Pre-Lockdown, many were living in a constant state of flux, busyness and rush. Lockdown has challenged our nation about what is really important in life. We pray that the message of hope and salvation in Christ will come to many across our nation leading them into a new, living, saving relationship with Christ.
We pray today for those whose lives are so full of the ‘life’ of this world that they have no room to ‘live’ as you intended. Ezekiel’s picture, in chapters 40-46, is one of godly order, well designed spaces in which to develop holiness and communion with You, and large, beautiful spaces for the wellbeing of the soul and we interact with each other in worship, service and life.
We pray, as individuals, and as a church, for much wisdom and understanding to allow our lives to be transformed into spiritual lives with holy rest at the centre of them: Otium Sanctum, holy leisure and Your peace reigning in our lives. Such lives will be filled with godly order and godly purpose – fill each one in our church with Your holy presence. In Jesus’ name. Amen
Jun 24 – Father, You call us to offer our lives as living, spiritual sacrifices – the offering of our own bodies, souls and spirits to You – on the altar of Your worship and service. Forgive us when we, me as an individual and us as a church, have allowed ourselves to be conformed to the pattern of this world’s busyness and restlessness of soul. Strengthen us to walk in Your truth and to be transformed by Your word so that we walk in step with Your Spirit in His holy presence walking at His godly pace through life.
At the heart of offering ourselves as living sacrifices – is the knowledge that we need all the love, mercy and grace You desire to give to us. You have made provision for access to Your throne of grace through Christ which enables us to receive Your love, mercy and grace. We therefore pray for the love, mercy and grace we need to live rich, faith-filled lives – not only to cope with life and survive day by day, but to live in the fullness of life in Christ.
I come and ask for an abundance of Your love, mercy and grace. I pray for an overflow of Your abundant love, mercy and grace to become a daily and blessed experience in my life, and in the lives of each person in our church whether they join us in person or online. I dedicate myself to ask for these blessings on a daily basis, to reach out in faith so they fill my soul and life, and grow in me so there is an overflow of your love, mercy and grace filling other people’s lives. In Jesus’ name. Amen
Jun 25 – Father, there are places which are uniquely hallowed, or set apart, by You as spaces which will quiet the soul and renew our spiritual vitality. Like the courtyards provided in Your great Design of the future Church in Ezekiel 40-46 – these are specifically designed places/spaces to allow people to rest and bring their souls into the rhythm of Your love, mercy, grace and peace.
May our Church include such spaces, online and in person, and may You guide me to seek out those places You have prepared for me. Fill us with Your precious Holy Spirit and with Your word so that we can please You, and be the people You call us to be filled with Your power, love, mercy, grace and peace in Christ. If there any blockages preventing people entering into those sacred places/spaces – grant us, as individuals and a church, the words of deliverance and victory to remove the blockages and open the way for many to come into Your presence, and then walk in Christ with your Spirit every day. Amen
Jun 26 – Father, if my life journey, including faith journey, is too busy so that I cannot walk with Your beloved Son along wide walkways in perfect fellowship – then I am missing out on the greatest possible blessing in this life. There is no greater delight, nor greater privilege, than to walk with Jesus.
I pray for my spiritual walk with Your beloved Son – I cannot hide any part of it from You. I pray for the godly wisdom, biblical understanding, and spiritual vitality needed to walk with Him each and every day. Fill me with your Spirit so I can live in step with Him filled with im HiHis sacredness, His power and His courage. As I do so my life will glorify Christ and be useful in His service.
We pray today for anyone in our Church who is struggling to find the time for such a walk – may they be awakened to the poverty of soul they are living with. If anyone walking with Jesus is struggling to stay the course – baptise them with Your Spirit’s presence and power. I ask that You will guide my life so my soul is full of Christ’s will, word and wisdom. I pray for the same filling for my brothers and sisters in Telford Elim, so we walk together in fellowship in the unity of the Spirit – our souls fully alive and faith-filled by the means of Your word and Holy Spirit’s holy presence in our lives. In Jesus’ name. Amen
Jun 27 – Father, if my life is too full of stuff without any sacred space wherein to breath Your clear, heavenly air, or to offer spiritual sacrifices to You – forgive me. May the call to lay down my life as a living, spiritual sacrifice on the altar of Your choosing – become a loud and clear one in each of our lives in our church. As we do this we are automatically drawn aside into Your amazing, life-changing presence
I pray that this pivotal Word from You will be clearly articulated and heard – may it be mingled with faith in our Church so that we move into that place of true freedom in Your beloved Son. It is only in Christ can we truly be the people Your call us to be: wholehearted worshippers, committed disciple-makers, good ambassadors for Christ, and faithful followers living out His truth, love, grace and word. In Jesus’ name. Amen
Jun 28 – Father, if my schedules are so full so that my soul is overwhelmed with cares and intoxicated by the constant noise and constant demands of this life – if I am not enjoying ‘otium sanctum,’ ‘holy rest & leisure’ – living in Your daily presence – forgive, cleanse, restore and renew me in Your word and Holy Spirit. Teach me to create sacred spaces where I can breath Your clear heavenly air. I know that this is the life to which You call each of us, to live in the place of Your dwelling carrying Your presence in and to the world.
I pray that the overflow of Agape Love and Rest of soul, that comes from dwelling in Your secret place, will bring redemption and life changing encounters with Christ, the only Saviour of humankind, to our communities, Borough & County, Nation and Nations online and in person through Telford Elim. In Jesus’ name & for His glory. Amen