Daily Prayers 22 – 28 February

Daily Prayers 22 – 28 February

This week’s prayers are written by Isaac Alawode – the theme is ‘being more intentional for Christ.’ The challenge is that there are so many things in life to distract us and make us focus only on being intentional about seeking to do well in this world. This week we ask for the grace, and focus, to be intentional in following Christ, obeying Him, and putting into practice His words and will. Amen

Monday 22 February – Father, we thank You for Your word, the Bible, that is our guide in this life. We thank You that in Christ we are a new creation now with the ability to choose that which pleases You; help us, Lord, to honour You with the choices we make as Christians.

Give us ears to hear Your word and the focus to live it out; as it says in James 1:22, Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says.’ We ask for the wisdom, knowledge and understanding to interpret Your word, and apply it to our lives.

We pray that any struggling to do so will be led into a new clarity about how to do so because of the ministry of our church online and in person. Fill us afresh with Your Spirit today, and may we walk in His fullness living out our understanding and obedience to Your word. In Jesus’ name. Amen

Tuesday 23 February – Father, we thank You for providing for all our needs according to Your riches in glory in Christ Jesus; help us to remember this as we intentionally seek You first in all things – intentionally making You Lord of our time, treasure and talents.

Thank You for those words in Matthew 6:33, ‘But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all things will be given to you as well.’ Give us a heart like You, Lord Jesus, committed to Your Way for life.

We pray that as a result of the ministry of Telford Elim, and the people who are a part of it online and in person, many more people will be worshipping You and serving others. Just as You taught us in Your word – we will be extremely effective in making disciple-makers whose lives are lived all out for Your glory, and thus, for our own long term good. Amen

Wednesday 24 February – Father, we pray for the dreams and goals we have set this year, for them to be set with the intention of fulfilling Your purposes – to be in the centre of Your will as an individual and as a church. Forgive us for the times that we have wandered away, or have made other things a priority. We rededicate ourselves to Your purposes in Christ.

In Your name, Lord Jesus, we pray for each member of Telford Elim to be empowered by Your Spirit to live out our vision statement of being ‘inspired to dream big and attempt the impossible.’ We want to do so stepping out into the places and situations where You already are at work, by Your Spirit, and blessing people. Help us Lord to continually reflect You through our lives, and in what we are doing, and to take up our cross daily to continue following You. Amen

Thursday 25 February – Help us, Lord Jesus, to manage our thoughts and intentionally think of You, and all things that glorify You throughout the day. Philippians 4:8, ‘Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable if anything is excellent or praiseworthy think about such things.’ Lord, as we think on such things – we proclaim that our lives will change and Your nature will be formed in us, this is what Your word says will happen when we do such things.

We thank You, Lord, for being that perfect example; help us to bring glory to You as a result of managing our thoughts, renewing our minds through Your word, and being trained in godly thinking as we walk in step with Your Spirit. As we do so, by Your grace at work in our lives, we will put to death anything that feeds the lust of the eyes, lust of the flesh, and the pride of life.

We pray particularly for anyone we know who is trapped by lust – whether that is because of a hunger for sex, power, money or fulfilment outside of You. We name them before You now…………..and pray for breakthrough, deliverance and full salvation in that one’s life. Amen

Friday 26 February – Father, as we seek to be more intentional for Christ – help us to listen to that still small voice of Your Spirit giving us direction, as it says in Isaiah 30:21, “Whether you turn to the right of the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you saying, “This is the way; walk in it.” Thank You, Lord, that You have equipped us, in Christ and by Your Spirit and word, to follow Your way and fulfil Your call on our lives.

We lay before You those times when we have heard Your still small voice speaking to us – we take time to remember what You said, and reflect on how we have responded to Your word to us.

If there is something that we need to do more to come completely into obedience to it – grant us the wisdom and grace to do so. May we be a church where many people are able to hear directly from You, learn how to listen to You, obey what You say, and be formed into disciple-making disciples as a result. In Jesus’ name and for His glory. Amen

Saturday 27 February – Father, empower us to continually give thanks in all circumstances enabling us to have a godly perspective in contrast to what the world will offer us. Romans 8:28 says “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose.” We thank You for this reminder.

As we reflect upon this verse – it says three things to us: 1. Loving You is a good and prosperous thing to do; 2. Even the things that we think are working against us, in Christ, and following His way as we should with love and devotion, all things will ultimately turn out for our good and His glory; 3. In Christ, we are called to do those good purposes and works which You prepared before that we should do.

Lord, as we reflect on these three points today, we pray that we will choose to love You, no matter how we feel, with all our soul: in our thoughts, choices, relationships and emotions.

Even if the road is difficult and it seems lots of things are against us – we rest in Your word that says all things will ultimately work for our good when we choose to love You as we should.

That You will reveal to us those works and purposes You have prepared us for as, and when, we will need to know them – as we walk in step with Your Spirit. May these virtues be the hallmarks of all in Telford Elim, in person and online. In Jesus’ name. Amen

Sunday 28 February – Father, as we continually run the race that You have set before us in Christ – strengthen us not to be weary in well doing, in the spiritual disciplines and in witnessing to Christ. It is a long race – so grant us the wisdom to know how to work hard in everything as if we are working for You in all that we do – while also living in the centre of Your holy rest.

As we constantly focus our minds on the beautiful gift of eternal life awaiting us in heaven – we declare that we wholeheartedly believe and trust in Christ, and are already living in the partial reality of life eternal. We pray for His lordship to be established in all of our lives in Telford Elim, and across Telford and Shropshire, our nation and beyond.

There is a heaven to be gained and a hell to avoid at all costs – Lord, help us to proclaim this under the guidance and anointing of Your Spirit as we preach the whole Gospel, and challenge people to believe, repent and follow Christ. Amen