The Spiritual Battle
Feb 19 – Father, as we continue to pray into the battle within with ‘self,’ the wider spiritual battle we face, and spiritual renewal – we ask to pray in the Holy Spirit.
There is such darkness to ‘self’ which causes us to…
- Struggle against Your perfect will in Jesus, to rely alone on human agency and facility,
- Submit our understanding of You and You word to our human reason, understanding and wisdom.
- View Christ and His ways through the lense of our experience.
- Exalt human learning and intelligence above Scriptural knowledge and insight.
- Submit to the controlling forces of darkness in this world.
We pray against all of these outcomes. Instead, may we…
- Live empowered by Your Spirit,
- Be submitted fully to Christ as Lord,
- Be so rooted in Christ and Your word so these determine our outlook, values and philosophy for life,
- Exalt Your word, will and ways seeking the knowledge of Your will in all spiritual wisdom and understanding,
- Be dressed fully in the armour of light overcoming and expelling the darkness where evil resides. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
Feb 20 – Revelation 12:11, CSB, ‘They conquered him [the accuser of the brothers and sisters – Satan] by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony; for they did not love their lives to the point of death.’
Father, help us to grasp the full import and power of these words. They did not love their lower ‘self’ life more than Jesus and the higher spiritual life to which He was calling them.
Teach us how to truly apply the principles and power of the blood of Jesus in our lives. To see the breakthrough of the Spirit against the forces of darkness around us, sometimes at work through us.
Instead, may our lives, our church and its ministries, in person and online, be sources of Your light and through us. Teach us how to also spiritually sprinkle Jesus’ blood effectively. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
Feb 21 – GK Beale, NIGTC, Revelation, 622: Revelation 12 is part of a section, 12:1-15:4, that reveals, ‘in deeper dimension [aspects] of the spiritual conflict between the church and the world.’
Father, there is an ongoing spiritual conflict between the church and the world. We acknowledge the truth of this statement. It is largely an unseen conflict, but rises above the surface often in ways that make it plain the world’s hatred for Christ, His word and people.
We pray that we will stand for Jesus in the battle, and having done all, stand dressed in the armour of light. ‘War broke out in heaven’ (12:7), is a stark introduction to this section. We think of wars in this world, but there was also a war in heaven.
We don’t associate war with heaven. Yet, here it is. Satan and the fallen angels fought to gain control in heaven. Christ’s victory on the cross, and His subsequent resurrection not only had repercussions on earth, but also in the heavenly realm.
Thank You for the universal application of Jesus’ victory on the cross, and His resurrection. We rejoice and give thanks. We recognise that Satan is thrown down to this earth. We see the evidence all around us of his evil impact. Yet, we look to Jesus, not at Satan.
There is victory in the name and through the blood of Jesus. May our church, in person and online, reflect and point many to the reality of His victory learning how to apply it so its reality transforms their lives in Christ-honouring ways. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
Feb 22 – Michael, usually referred to as Israel’s representative angel or Archangel, applies Christ’s victory gained on earth to the heavenly realms – thus closing the doors of heaven to Satan’s accusing of the believers before God.
Father, the conflict must have been incredible, and yet the outcome certain once Jesus’ work on Calvary was complete – His resurrection the final great element in that victory.
Revelation 12:8-10, CSB, ‘8but he [the devil] could not prevail, and there was no place for them in heaven any longer. 9So the great dragon was thrown out — the ancient serpent, who is called the devil and Satan, the one who deceives the whole world. He was thrown to earth, and his angels with him. 10Then I heard a loud voice in heaven say,
The salvation and the power and the kingdom of our God and the authority of his Christ have now come, because the accuser of our brothers and sisters, who accuses them before our God day and night, has been thrown down.’ Hallelujah! Amen.
Feb 23 – Father, thank You that Satan and his fallen angels were barred from Your presence no longer able to accuse Your children before You.
We acknowledge that with Jesus’ victory, applied in heaven, the earth became a more dangerous place. Satan now was able to give his undivided attention to the conflict with Jesus’ Church.
The conflict is always for the church to submit to outside control, to compromise, in various ways, with the world. We pray that we may be a people who know how to navigate this world without compromising who we are in Christ.
The seven letters of Revelation are a good example of this, 2:1-3:22. The conflict with the evil spirit’s control is very real. As is the temptation to compromise that can come within the church as well as from without it.
May we be Spirit and word-led so that we walk as faith pilgrims denying self, taking up our cross daily and following Jesus. We would to live faith-filled lives. A people who connect with You in deep and fruitful ways.
We pray that many will be saved in Christ, and discipled in how to be faithful, godly and fruitful through Telford Elim, its people and ministries. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
Feb 24 – Father, as we consider the letters to the seven churches, they give us insight and understanding in how to guard ourselves against similar dangers.
Ephesus 2:1-7, The compromise was to live with a lack of humility, a lack of true love, and false teaching – an incredibly dangerous place to find oneself in. Their compromise could even lead them to losing their very identity as a Christian church.
We pray that we will walk humbly with Christ, His love being perfected in us, and abiding in good teaching and doctrine. That our identity in Christ would be clearly evidenced as we walk in such manner. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
Feb 25 – Father, again, we are asking for insight and understanding so we can guard against such temptations to compromise with Satan, the world and the power of ‘self’ within.
Smyrna 2:8-11, Their temptation to compromise arose because of the force of the persecution that was coming, and also the danger of seeing themselves as without the resources to face it. Yet, they were highly commended for their faithfulness. An example of victory over compromise.
Thank You for the church at Smyrna. We pray for all our brothers and sisters facing persecution today – may they remain faithful honouring Christ as they travel this difficult road – no matter the level of resources at their disposal.
Pergamum 2:12-17, again persecution, but also false prophets advocating compromise with the world saying we can have it all – including the world’s antichrist soul food of idolatry and sexual immorality, and still be okay with God.
Father, we can’t have it all. Your word is clear that certain things like idolatry, following false prophets, and sexual immorality are destructive to the soul, break our fellowship with You, and establish strongholds of unrighteousness in our lives.
We pray for any that we know who are caught in these antichrist religious ways and sinful vices – save, deliver and redeem. May many testify in our church to Jesus the Saviour, Deliver and Redeemer, and to the power of His blood to break the stronghold of sin. In Jesus’ name. Amen.