Apr 15 – Father, one of the greatest victories a person can experience is when they overcome a fear that has a hold on their lives, or has bound them in a faithless way. Facing fear, in any of its unsanctified guises, is a big thing.
Grant each of us the grace, wisdom and spiritual understanding to name any fear that has a hold on our lives. Once we name it, help us to understand the extent of its hold, or influence, on our lives.
As we face it in Christ’s name, may we also be led to apply Your life-giving Word to it. 1 John 4:18-19, CSB, ‘There is no fear in love; instead, perfect love drives out fear, because fear involves punishment. So the one who fears is not complete in love. 19We love because he first loved us.’
We pray for freedom from unsanctified fears that can only finally come from Jesus, the One who revealed Your love, and overcame all fear. May the love of the Holy Spirit (Romans 15:30), light the flame of Your love in us.
It is Your Spirit who ignites Your love in us which can burn all unsanctified fears out of our lives. Teach us about maturing further in Your love so it drives out our fears. In Jesus’ name and for His glory. Amen
Apr 16 – Father, we proclaim these great verses, 1 John 4:16b-18a, NLT, ‘You are love, and all who live in love live in You, and You live in them. And as we live in You, our love grows more perfect. So we will not be afraid on the Day of Judgment, but we can face You with confidence because we live like Jesus here in this world. Such love has no fear, because perfect love expels all fear.’
God, it is as we recognise the implications of these verses, that it is possible to live like Jesus in this world. We know that we will not be complete, but we can clearly reflect Jesus as He is.
We look to the One who sanctifies and ignites Your love in our lives, Your Holy Spirit. And, we seek to apply these truths, so that unsanctified fears are driven out of our lives. We declare that Your Son did reveal true agape love.
All who live in the love of Christ, live in You, and You in them by Your Spirit. As we walk in the Spirit daily, and intentionally lean not on our own understanding but commit all our ways to You – our love grows more perfect.
We pray that this may be so in each one of our lives. When Your love becomes the main motivating and controlling power in our lives, we mature in faith.
May Your love be perfected in us, and may it expel all unsanctified fears from our lives. In Jesus’ name. Amen
Apr 17 – Father, we pray for the grace to overcome any doubt that hinders or blocks the life of faith. It may not be full-blown unbelief, but it can nevertheless be damaging to our spiritual development.
Again, if there are any unbiblical prejudices within our lives, may these be exposed and redemptively dealt with. The only way to truly redemptively deal with these is to confess them before You, own them as sin or strongholds in our lives, ask for forgiveness, and for freedom from them.
We confess the finished work of the Cross to them, and ask for the grace, strength and support needed to overcome them. Sometimes support will need to come from another Christian, may we be open to ask for and receive such help when it is needed.
Raise up more strong, mature disciples in our church who will be able to support, encourage and help those in need – whether in financial, spiritual, physical or psychological need, or who are bound by unbiblical prejudices. In Jesus’ name. Amen
Apr 18 – Father, as we continue to pray, today we remember that You are the God who finds nothing impossible. As such we can have boldness and confidence in Your power and grace.
We also remember that You are working in and through us for our good. Sometimes that will mean that You will step directly in and deliver – at other times You will not step in to help directly, but will use another means – or allow us to face the issue, person or problem without immediate deliverance.
We declare that we can trust Christ’s lordship of our lives, and can trust You as we wait upon You and seek Your face. ‘Until Christ be formed in us.’ We proclaim Jesus as Lord of our lives. Amen
Apr 19 – Father, guide us so that we can teach others, including children and young people, about You and Your ways in Christ. Equip us to tell others about Your truth, and how You choose sometimes to operate in myriad different ways.
May we not present You and Your ways in a false manner – teach us how to do so in as full and faithful manner as is possible. May we also get to know You more, and be able to discern Your ways more clearly.
Again, we declare that You are good, and that Your love in Christ is wonderful, and Your Holy Spirit is all-powerful. You are focussed uniquely on Your people in Christ. Save many in and through the people and ministries of Telford Elim, in person and online. In Jesus’ name. Amen
Apr 20 – Father, thank You for those who enrich our lives. May You richly bless and uphold them. For those godly people we have known who have gone before, who are now dead and no longer in our lives – thank You for their example, prayers and encouragement.
Raise us up to be similar people for others. May we make many disciples who then go on to be worshippers from the heart, faithful servants of Christ. In His name. Amen
Apr 21 – Father, thank You for the godly people You have placed in our lives. We honour them, and their memory if no longer with us, and rejoice in their example of simplicity of faith, deep humility, and spiritual reality.
A humble believer does not seek to appear to be more than they are, but desire to engage with people and encourage them either into salvation in Christ, or to grow in the faith.
May I reflect Jesus as He is so others are see Him in me. May something of the love and devotion of the godly people I have known be evident in my life also.
I pray for all who have lost loved ones in this past year, or longer – strengthen and uphold them in Your love. Father, in Your Son’s grace, and in Your Spirit’s fellowship, continue Your great work of salvation in each of us.
May we live out our faith in Christ in such a way that others will seek to follow Him who is all powerful, wonderful and gracious. In Jesus’ name. Amen