Daily Prayers 11-17 September 2023

Daily Prayers 11-17 September 2023

Day 11 – Charlotte Adjepong: A time to learn, and to trust God

Sometimes we struggle to have faith in the challenging times in our lives. Putting our faith and trust in Christ means letting go of control, and that can be tough going.

It’s easy to put our faith and trust in Christ when things are going easy. But when times get tough, we need to step up, take hold of Jesus, let go of everything that is of the flesh, and walk in the Spirit.

Hebrews 11 gives example after example of characters who lived by trusting God in all circumstances.

Thank You, Lord Jesus, that without faith it is impossible to please Father. When we draw near to Father in Your name – we must believe that He exists and that He will reward those who seek Him.

Thank You that we can trust You with all our heart, not having to rely on our own understanding, in all our ways we know You, Lord Jesus, and You will make our paths straight.

Trusting You completely will help us to be guided when we face challenges in our lives. When we put our trust in You we start to build our confidence in You knowing that the more we apply faith the more trust is built.

Thank You, our salvation in You leads to faith and prayer, gratitude, kindness, and Spirit-inspired laying hold of Your promises, will and purposes – in You everything that would hinder is overcomeable.

Thank You that It all starts with Your word and applying it to our lives, it feeds our faith and we learn how to apply our faith in every setting.

Thank You that the challenges we go through are sometimes designed to purify us, grow our faith, and bring us closer to You. Other times we’re being disciplined. But You never leave our side. 

Thank You that there’s never any need for fear when we are trusting in You; God, You will never leave us nor forsake us.

Praise You that all things happen for Your glory and our good. Amen.

Day 12 – Steve Higgins: Prayer for Provision

Father, we give thanks to You for Your grace poured into our lives day by day through Jesus. You faithfully provide all that we need for the day.

We pray for those who are experiencing financial hardship at this time due to the cost of living. We also think of those who are living with debt that continues to mount up due to living costs rising week by week.

Lord, it is a great comfort to know that You know everything about us, and know where our greatest needs are. You faithfully set in motion the answers to our prayers even when sometimes there is a delay; Your hand is always there to help us through the time of waiting. Thank You. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Day 13 – Steve Higgins: Prayer for God’s Provision

Dear Lord Jesus, we thank You that You are the Good Shepherd, and that You lead us beside still waters. Thank You that You are able to restore the soul, and in You we lack no good thing.

Forgive us for the times when our faith wears thin in Your gracious provision, causing us to give greater thought for our own needs instead of casting all our cares on Your shoulders.

Thank You that when our faith is shaken You still remain faithful to us. You are a good and gracious God who is always able to meet us in our hour of need, providing all our necessities according to the riches of Your grace.

Help us to always look to You when there are seeds of doubt that seem to flood into our minds, distracting us from looking to Jesus who is our helper and redeemer. Thank you that He is the one who intercedes on our behalf so we can stand on Him as our firm foundation whatever our need might be. Amen.

Day 14 – Steve Higgins: Prayer For God’s Provision

Heavenly Father, we praise Your holy name that You are both our provider and the source of our provision. You give us all that we need for both physical and spiritual needs – in Christ is all the provision we need as He is our light and life, health and wholeness, our all.

Lord Jesus, You are the way, the truth and the light in the darkness. You have provided all that is needed for holiness and righteousness, and in You we have all we need to live godly lives.

Empower us by Your Holy Spirit to keep looking to You to sustain us in times of need and remain in Your loving embrace. Thank You that Father longs to give good gifts to those who follow You, so we ask for Your favour as we choose to serve You in our daily living bringing glory to Your name. Amen.

Day 15 – Pastor Leslie: In 2019 I wrote a blog on Generosity focussing on nine key words. The following 7 prayers are developed from these biblical words. These words reveal the source of the biblical writer’s confidence that if they honoured God, He would prove to be their great Provider.

‘Now after many years I came to bring alms and offerings to my nation’ (Acts 24:17, NKJV).

‘Offerings’ is prosphora which is used for an offering which contains an element of sacrifice. It is the giving to God or to a person in need of something which requires an element of personal sacrifice by the one giving.

The word for ‘alms’ in Acts 24:17 is eleemosune. This was an offering to help the poor. It also was seen as an act which brought righteousness, and God’s favour to the giver.  Jewish thought was that to give to a person in need was considered a sacrifice offered to God based on Proverbs 19:17, ‘if you help the poor, you are lending to the Lord – and He will repay you!’

Father, biblical stewardship teaches us that the noblest use of our talents, time or treasure is in the service of Christ, and through Him in the service of others. We find our fullest satisfaction in laying our lives down as living sacrifices to Christ.

Where are You calling us as a church to consider sacrifice in the giving of our talents, time, and treasure? May Your Spirit empower us to develop the sensitivity to His leading, and the understanding when and how to make an offering. Enable us also not to overlook the poor or those in genuine need, but also recognise the value of the human touch as we minister.

Equip our church to be sacrificial in its service of Christ, while living in the favour and blessings that come from Your provision. In Jesus’ name. Amen

Day 16 – ‘So two good things will result from this ministry of giving – the needs of the believers in Jerusalem will be met, and they will joyfully express their thanks to God’ (2 Corinthians 9:12, NLT).

The word for ‘ministry of giving’ is leitorgia. This was a noble word in Greek society describing someone who voluntarily paid the expense of another or of the State. Thus in Paul’s use, it denotes a voluntary offering given to the household of God and to be received as an offering which it was a privilege to receive. Leitorgia can describe the weekly tithes and offerings made to the church.

Father, thank You for the privilege of regularly giving to Your work – for the upkeep and ministry of Telford Elim. Your provision for our church is so often expressed in the giving of the people of the church.

Malachi 1:6-14 and 3:8-12 teaches us that giving to You and Your work is important to get right. We shouldn’t give the leftovers or that which costs us least – instead, You demand our best.

Forgive us if we have cheated You out of that which You commanded us to give to You – our hearts, minds, finances, talents, worship, witness and time. Cleanse, restore and sanctify us. We collectively commit to live with a generous attitude to life recognising that You often use those around us to supply Your provision to us. In Jesus’ name. Amen. 

Day 17 – ‘So I thought I should send these brothers ahead of me to make sure the gift you promised is ready. But I want it to be a willing gift, not one given grudgingly’ (2 Corinthians 9:5, NLT).

‘Gift’ here is eulogia – a generous gift. It is not a gift given because someone feels pressured to do so or in spite of what they really feel. It is a gift given from a generous and loving heart – it is done with pure motives from an open heart and open, generous hands.

Father, You are such a liberal, generous God. Jesus is our Lord and our Great High Priest, and we purpose to bring to Him the firstfruits of our income and worship from willing hearts and open, generous hands. I proclaim the lordship of Christ over my personal finances, our church’s finances, and the Kingdom Building vision You have given us as a church. We seek to discern Your will about how to partner with You as You build Your Kingdom here. In Jesus’ name. Amen