Daily Prayer 31 August – 6 September

Daily Prayer 31 August – 6 September

Aug 31 – The focus of this week’s prayer letter follows on from last week’s which included praying through the armour of God in Ephesians 6. This week’s is based on Ephesians 6:12, NLT, ‘For weare not fighting against flesh-and-blood enemies, but against evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world, against mighty powers in this dark world, and against evil spirits in the heavenly places.’

Father, this verse gives us insight into the nature of Satan, and the variety of his forces. It points ultimately to the fact that he and his forces are our adversaries. He is the opponent who desires to rob us of spiritual blessings, kill Your purposes in us, and destroy our faith and therefore render our testimony worthless reflecting badly on Your beloved Son (cf. 1 Peter 5:8, ‘Stay alert! Watch out for your great enemy, the devil. He prowls around like a roaring lion, looking for someone to devour’).

As we pray this week – we ask that You would deliver us from evil and lead us not into times of trial. Instead, teach us how to pray effectively in the Spirit step by step protecting ourselves, our families, loved ones and all we have responsibility for. Anoint us also to take up the spiritual battle seeing Christ’s Kingdom, will and ways established in many people’s lives, and in many areas of our society as we pray and serve Him. We proclaim His victory through the cross. Amen

Sept 1 – Father, before we pray today – we declare Your absolute sovereignty and power over all the forces of darkness. Christ is the true light who overcomes and vanquishes Satan, his forces and all the powers of darkness.

As we stand under the blood of Jesus – we also recognise that we face the anti-Christ strategies developed by the combined force of darkness, the principalities that oppose Christ. We also acknowledge that these layers of authority, over the enemies’ forces, are very capable and powerful. We do not underestimate the power they have to enforce their rule on earth. However, we also know that these layers of authority are not omnipotent – all powerful, but are limited and are subject to defeat because they will be stripped of power and authority because of the victory of Christ’s cross.

We proclaim that when confronted by Christ, His truth, power and authority – they have to yield. He that is in us, Your Spirit, is greater than he that is ruler over this world’s darkness. Therefore, as we pray and minister in Christ’s name with the Spirit’s guidance and anointing, proclaiming the truth of the Bible – the darkness will diminish allowing multitudes of men, women, young people and children to step into Christ’s light, truth and life. We pray for these principalities to fall and be defeated, for Christ’s authority to be shown openly for all its beautiful holiness, righteousness and godliness, His authority to overcome theirs, and for the systematic dismantling of their ability to exercise power, influence and control over this United Kingdom.

May their control be replaced by a prolonged season of Spirit-inspired and led, salvation and a godly reformation of this nation, and every nation represented by those who pray these prayers. In Jesus’ name and for His glory. Amen

Sept 2 – Father, as we recognise the powerful authorities on the side of Satan – those whom we must contend with only in the Spirit’s power and Christ’s authority – these possess intelligence, knowledge and evil abilities beyond our ability or comprehension. We acknowledge, Lord, that it is only when we stand with Christ filled with Your Spirit and word that we can come against them.

If we stand against them in our own strength or understanding, outside the power of Your word and Spirit, our own knowledge and understanding will lead to our defeat and shame. If we come out from under the continual cleansing blood of Jesus because we are not walking daily in the light without the protection of Your spiritual armour – then we will be exposed as imposters, inadequate, powerless and foolish.

However, if we trust in You with all our hearts while not depending on our own understanding, seeking Your way in all we do, not being impressed by our own wisdom (cf. Proverbs 3:5-8), fearing You and turning away from self-reliance and evil errors, then Christ will be our defender, guide and captain.

If we do these things You will heal our relationships with each other, strengthen the structure of the UK Church enabling it to establish a new basis for our understanding of life, our world and our redemptive place in it as a nation, and use Telford Elim, and every church represented by those who pray these prayers, to further establish the reign and Kingdom of Christ. Amen

Sept 3 – Father, the world rulers of this darkness hate Christ’s light. They not only rejoice in evil darkness, but seek to spread this antichrist darkness across the whole world. Your Spirit has set a boundary, and has limited the extent of their rule – praise Christ’s great name.

Moreover, wherever Christ’s Kingdom is established in the hearts of men, women, young people and children, in communities, regions and nations, then Your Son’s light produces true life, righteousness, godly truth and Your peace. We pray for these powerful, biblical realities to be established in many people’s lives in person and online because of the ministry of Telford Elim, and each church represented by those who pray these prayers.

May such Kingdom values and qualities be the hallmark of Telford Elim spreading out from us into our communities, Borough, county, region, nation and the nations as we minister in person and online. In Jesus’ name and for His glory. Amen

Sept 4 – Father, the spiritual hosts of evil in the heavenly realms are fully committed to the end of upright ethical and moral behaviour and a biblically inspired lifestyle. We confess that we have been complicit by not engaging in the spiritual battle as we should. Forgive, cleanse and heal us Lord. In Jesus’ name.

We proclaim that Your grace in Christ is still at work in and through Your Church. Your Common Grace is still blessing the world – Your Saving Grace in Christ is still at work saving men, women, young people and children – Your Sustaining Grace is still keeping Your people in the faith and during the  spiritual battle – Your Prevailing Grace is still evident among Your people as Christ’s Gospel and Kingdom overcomes and prevails against the present darkness of this evil world.

Satan desires the actual destruction of Your people, Church and blueprint for wholeness of life in Christ – we pray that Your people will stand true in Christ, Your Church lift Christ high, and Your will and ways be established in and through our lives and Telford Elim, through every church represented by those who pray these prayers. May the forces of darkness be bound, shackled and held fast liberating Your Church in the United Kingdom and Ireland, and every nation represented, to flourish, establish Christ’s Kingdom, and bring glory to You, our Father, our Lord Jesus Christ, and the blessed Holy Spirit – our Triune God. Amen

Sept 5 – Father, this week, as we have been considering the enemy and his forces that are battling against us, we do not lose heart nor faith. We pray that we will be guided to further align ourselves with our Lord Jesus Christ.

Apart from Your beloved Son we can do nothing that will last eternally, nothing that will break the enemies’ hold on the souls of men, women, young people and children, and nothing that will establish Your Kingdom rule on earth as in heaven. Guide our steps into the centre of Your will and Way as individuals, as a Church, as the followers of Christ as we fight in this great cosmic, ultimately victorious battle in Jesus’ name and for His glory.

Lord, as we do so may all the idols and false gods of this nation be exposed, overcome and overthrown. May every false institution that people rely on instead of on Christ be broken and Christ exalted. As the powers of darkness fall – may Your church rise and Christ be glorified. Amen

Sept 6 – Father, thank You for the Cross of Jesus. It is the place of the most wonderful, powerful and significant battleground in the history of this world. It is the Cross of Christ that we cling to, the Cross we look to, and the Cross we give thanks for.

From that place of crucifixion, Christ paid the penalty demanded for sin, poured out His perfect life as a redemptive sacrifice, and made propitiation for our souls by consuming Your wrath. Your wrath is against sin and all the forces of darkness. It is the Cross that enables us to stand righteous and justified in Your sight. It is the cross of Christ that enables us to overcome self, the world, sin and Satan.

‘We ask for the strong light of Christ to surround us, [our Church, our loved ones and anyone or anything that we have responsibility for], the blood of Christ to cover and cleanse us, and the cross of Christ to seal us’ (Richard Foster, Money, Sex and Power, Chp: The Ministry of Power, p. 621). We are confident You are with us and will protect us.  We pray for the godly reformation of our society, our nation, and the nations represented by those who pray these prayers. In Jesus’ name and for His glory. Amen