The focus of this week’s prayers is on praying into the upcoming General Election on July 4. We will pray for our political leaders, and those in places of authority and responsibility. The following are all derived from June Freudenberg, for many years Elim’s prayer representative working in the Houses of Parliament.
May 27 – ‘First of all, then, I urge that petitions, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for everyone, 2for kings and all those who are in authority, so that we may lead a tranquil and quiet life in all godliness and dignity. 3This is good, and it pleases God our Saviour, 4who wants everyone to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth’ (1 Timothy 2:1-4, CSB).
These words were written by Paul to Timothy. They are a Scriptural command, and are still vital for us to hear today.
Father, teach and guide us this week how to pray intelligently and Scripturally for our political leaders, and all with authority, responsibility and influence across our nation.
As the General Election campaigning, hustings and Manifestos take place, are discussed, bless the Christians in the midst of all of this. That Your Kingdom come through this election, and Your will be done. In Jesus’ name. Amen
May 28 – Father, we are reminded that the leaders of a nation, and all who are in authority, are human beings with all the fallibilities, creativity and gifting that entails. We pray for them and their families – bless and guide their steps into Your truth.
We pray for all involved in governance or the administration of law in our land – that such officials will administer the law with impartiality, wisdom and appropriate authority so that they are worthy of the respect their position is due.
We pray especially during these Election preparation days – may our government, Parliament, Civil Service, Media and Advisors have great wisdom, insight, and sensitivity.
We pray for vision in order to meet each day without panic or fear, and prevent them from reacting simply to appease the pressure they are facing. May they stay resolute and cool headed in the midst of all the campaigning and Media engagements that take place. In Jesus’ name. Amen
May 29 – Father, You direct us to pray for a quiet and peaceable life. Almost everyone desires to live a quiet and peaceable life. If this was the only reason for our prayers, most people would pray with great fervour.
Your Scriptures tell us that our leaders also need prayer, because it is more likely that they will be criticised, discussed, and downtrodded by the media, other politicians and vested interest groups.
We pray against a negative campaign. Instead of every politician standing being seen as incompetent and wrong by many, may they be viewed as fellow human beings trying to be elected to make a positive difference for the nation.
We acknowledge that in some cases, the candidate’s words and actions will merit such criticism and judgment, but Your word tells us not to join in doing this. Whatever those in authority are like in the execution of their duties; in the conduct of their political lives; in the performance of their personal lives, You tell us to pray for them all.
There are no exceptions. The fruit of such prayer is ‘that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and reverence.’ We ask that the Gospel will advance during the new Government’s term after the General Election. In Jesus’ name. Amen
May 30 – Father, we do not pray that the political positions our political leaders take should agree with our thoughts; nor do we ask that those in authority fulfil their duties to our satisfaction; we recognise the dangers of such prayers.
There is such a great variation in the political views of many Christians that You would not be able to bring our prayers to a conclusion that would satisfy each of us! Your Word does give us Moral, Ethical and Societal standards that apply to any person who is in authority.
So we pray for much wisdom and the guidance of Your Holy Spirit in this area for us as a church in order for us to pray in Your will for them. That the politicians standing for election will act with dignity and love towards their fellow candidates, no matter which party they represent. In Jesus’ name. Amen
May 31 – Father, the Law of the land is such a complex area for us to grapple with. When we consider the number of Laws that have been passed that are at odds with Your Word and Will, it deeply troubles us about the state of the foundations of our nation.
When we pray for those who make the laws, we remember – those who interpret the law – the judges and the courts. Those who administer the law – the police and Public Prosecutors. And those for whom the laws are made – us, the people of this land.
We ask for all true believers in the first two categories, may they be guided and helped by Your Holy Spirit to find the balance between grace, mercy, love compassion, and righteousness, justice, deterrent, punitive action and truth.
And for all of us – may this nation see a true Spiritual Reformation again bringing many into Your Kingdom, and transforming our society in a godly manner. In Jesus’ name. Amen
June 1 – Father, ‘Intercession’ includes entreaty and making a request for mercy and grace. Those in authority have the same needs as any other person. Teach them how to look to You and draw upon Your grace.
There are qualities, energy and reserves of strength that each person will need in order to fulfil their role adequately during the next six weeks, and beyond that after the election. We pray that many will have godly wisdom and a good biblical understanding.
A godly standard: Proverbs 8:12-16, CSB, ‘I, wisdom, share a home with shrewdness and have knowledge and discretion.
13To fear the Lord is to hate evil. I hate arrogant pride, evil conduct, and perverse speech.
14I possess good advice and sound wisdom; I have understanding and strength.
15It is by me that kings reign and rulers enact just law; 16by me, princes lead, as do nobles and all righteous judges.’
1 Kings 3:28, CSB, ‘All Israel heard about the judgment the king had given, and they stood in awe of the king because they saw that God’s wisdom was in him to carry out justice.’
‘Wisdom is supreme — so get wisdom. And whatever else you get, get understanding. 8Cherish her, and she will exalt you; if you embrace her, she will honour you.’ (Proverbs 4:7-8, CSB).
We pray these verses into this election. Holy Spirit guide us in how to do so. In Jesus’ name and for His glory. Amen
June 2 – Father, the fear of You brings wisdom and prudence. We ask that many leaders in our nation may learn about their need for the ‘fear of the Lord.’
Many of our leaders and those in authority are controlled by dread and fear, including the fear of failure, of not being able to cope, of losing their position, of not being liked, of being disrespected and ridiculed.
Save them through Christ, and bring them to His feet, the One who promised to set His people free, including from every fear that is grounded in unbelief and imperfect love. May they come to honour and respect the Lord Jesus, and live thereby.
Job 28:28, CSB, ‘He said to mankind, “The fear of the Lord—that is wisdom. And to turn from evil is understanding.”’ Psalm 111:10, (a) ‘The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.’ Hallelujah.
May Your fear once again be at the heart of each politician’s leadership in this nation. In Jesus’ name. Amen.