Life Groups
Life Groups are the ideal place for people to be discipled personally and grow in the ministry of Christ. They are the backbone of the church, the basic structure in which people mature in faith.
They run continually with each Life Group a kind of mini-church, a microcosm of the whole. That means the most important aspect of church life, alongside the main services, is the Life Group. In some respects, the Life Groups are even more important, because the Life Groups release God’s people into becoming disciple-making disciples.
Life Groups are not just an alternative to mid-week meetings of the church; nor are they just another meeting in the week – just a small group meeting, rather than a large group meeting held on a Sunday.
Life Groups are a group of people who are in close, sometimes daily contact with each other, and who are committed to working together to grow as disciples and to become disciple makers of others. The Life Groups may have just one formal meeting a week, fortnight or month, but group life extends far beyond that.
To be part of a Life Group means that you have a group of fellow-soldiers and fellow-workers around you, who are committed to you, to your growth as a Christian, and to your development as a Christian Kingdom Builder.