January 2025 Month of Prayer, Fasting and Abstinence
As we have begun a new season together as two churches, Telford Elim and Shrewsbury Elim, we begin the New Year with a month of Prayer, Fasting and Abstinence. Each January and September, Telford Elim take time to pray around a specific theme, and set everything before the Lord.
This month, the theme is based around the launch of one church in two locations; therefore, it really is a New Season for Telford Elim and Shrewsbury Elim.
In Telford, our current preaching focus is Mission and Evangelism. We have been encouraging people to think about God’s mission to the world through Christ.
Elim nationally have called their churches to think and pray about Consecration. In September, in Telford, we made Consecration the focus for our month of prayer, fasting and abstinence.
Therefore, we will focus our prayers on ‘The consecration of this new season as our two churches come together.’
Day 1 – Pastor Leslie. Telford and Shrewsbury Elim.
The following prayer is from Duncan Clark, an Elim National Leadership Team member. We make it our prayer for this new season:
‘As we rededicate our lives to the service that He has assigned to us, we declare our continual dependence upon the guidance, empowering and fullness of the Holy Spirit.
While depending on divine grace, we will make every effort to love deeply, act courageously and serve sacrificially. The One who calls us deserves our best, our devotion, and our lives, and today we surrender them again in His service and in this prayer of Consecration.’ In Jesus’ name. Amen.
Day 2 – Pastor Malcolm. Shrewsbury Elim.
Genesis 8:22. Seed time and harvest.
Heavenly Father, in this New season at Shrewsbury Elim, and the merging together with Telford Elim, we look to You for the blessing of growth in every area of the church. In outreach in our community, in finance to support every work that will take place.
We pray for growth numerically, and for those who have special gifts to build up the church.
We pray that as we sow with our finances You would bring increase, 30/60/100 fold. As we give of our time and energy that You would restore back to us the grace and strength needed to serve You each day. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
Day 3 – Pastor Malcolm. Shrewsbury Elim.
Ecclesiastes 3:1-8. The God of All Seasons.
‘To every season turn,’ ‘Turn’ is a song that was sung by a 1960’s band called The Byrds. It was a copy of the words in this passage today.
Heavenly Father, we turn to You today, Our Creator God. We pray for this New season that we are entering into. We acknowledge that You are a God who works in seasons. Some seasons are of a long duration, and some short. We pray in this new season we shall see fruit that remains.
In this passage, LORD (v2), it says there is a time for planting and a time for plucking up that which has been planted. As we come into this new season, LORD, we surrender our will to Yours, and ask You to pluck out those things which are deep rooted in our lives and hinder our consecration to Christ. We ask You to plant those good seed into our lives that will grow into fruitful areas which will honour and glorify You. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
Day 4 – Natalie Headley. Telford Deacon
Dedication of One Church in Two Locations
Lord, Father Almighty, we thank You for this moment of new beginnings as Telford Elim and Shrewsbury Elim unite as one church in two locations. This new season is a testimony of Your faithfulness, and we consecrate ourselves anew to Your purpose. May our hearts be fully devoted to You, and may our work reflect Your mission to the world through Christ.
Empower us, Holy Spirit, to love one another deeply and serve with courage and joy. As we join together, may we build bridges of hope, unity, and grace in our communities. Bless every prayer, every act of service, and every word shared in Your name, that they may bear fruit for Your Kingdom.
We surrender this union, our efforts, and our future into Your hands. Be glorified, Lord, as we walk boldly into this season, trusting Your presence every step of the way. In Christ Jesus’ name. Amen.
Day 5 – Pastor Malcolm. Shrewsbury Elim.
Amos 9:13. Sowing and reaping.
This passage speaks of the ploughman overtaking the reaper.
Holy Spirit, we pray for Your continual blessing on all the work that is going on in both The Telford and Shrewsbury churches. As we merge together to become One church, that there will be continual outpourings of Yourself, Your love, power and presence. We ask for the former rain at this time of planting and the latter rain near the times of harvest.
We pray that just as Jesus told His disciples, “Do you not say four months and then comes the harvest,” but as we lift our eyes to Christ we will see for ourselves that the fields are already white for harvest.
We give You thanks, Holy Spirit, for what you are going to do in and through our lives. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
Day 6 – Pastor Malcolm. Shrewsbury Elim.
Philippians 3:13-14. Forgetting the former things.
Lord Jesus, as we enter into this New Year and new season of consecration, help us all to forget things from our past. We pray that You would help us to let go of past mistakes, past hurts and grievances, unforgiveness, and anything else that would hinder us from moving forward into this new season.
Help us, Lord Jesus, to reach forward to those things that are ahead not looking back to things that we have done in the past, and the way we have done things in the past.
Lord Jesus, give us the grace, strength and commitment of an athlete to run in this new season for the prize of hearing those words, “Well done good and faithful servant enter into the joy of the LORD.” We ask these things for Your Glory. Amen.
Day 7 – Pastor Malcolm. Shrewsbury Elim.
2 Timothy 4:1-2. Preaching in all seasons.
Heavenly Father, we ask in this new season of consecration that You would enable us all to be ready to share the Gospel every time we have the opportunity to do so. Give us the grace to share the Gospel with gentleness and confidence. Take away all fear, and give us boldness just as Your Spirit did in the early church.
Help us to share the Gospel, and to convince, rebuke and to exhort preaching the Gospel of repentance and faith in Christ. As we are obedient doing as You say, we ask that You would come, Holy Spirit, and do what only You can do in convicting the lost of their sin, and saving the repentant through the New Birth in Christ.
Holy Spirit, give us the tenacity, endurance to keep going, even in times when we see very little happening knowing that Your Word never returns to You void, but will accomplish everything that You sent it out to achieve.
Holy Spirit we ask that You would set our hearts on fire, purify us with Your Holy Word. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
Day 8 – Pastor Malcolm. Shrewsbury Elim.
John 15:1-8. Our Heavenly Gardener.
Heavenly Father, we acknowledge You as all knowing and everywhere present. In this new season of Holiness and Consecration, we surrender ourselves into the hands of the Head Gardener knowing that You know both the good and bad things that need pruning back in order for us to become more like You.
Without You, we realise that we can do absolutely nothing, and we cannot produce the fruit of Christlikeness ourselves. We also realise that this fruit is making disciples, followers of Christ.
Father, as we stay connected to You, and to each other, we have the promise that You will answer our prayers, that You will be glorified, and we will bear much fruit (making other disciples).
In this New season of Holiness and Consecration, we look to You Holy Spirit to aid us in our service and witness for Christ. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
Day 9 – Pastor Malcolm. Shrewsbury Elim.
Acts 2:1-4. Suddenly a New Season.
Holy Spirit, in this new season of Holiness and Consecration, we pray that You would fall afresh on our churches as on the Day of Pentecost. Revive us again.
We are Your Church, a Pentecostal Church. Holy Spirit, You came to give us power, divine ability to enable us to go out and effectively share the Good News of Jesus’ life, death and resurrection.
Holy Spirit, You came when the Church was gathered together in one place and with one accord in unity together praising and worshiping Christ. You brought unity to the Church. In this new season we pray for unity in the Church both in Telford and Shrewsbury – for us to be able to meet together as Your Church here in Shropshire.
Holy Spirit, we wait for the suddenly, the mighty rushing wind, the sound from heaven for the tongues of fire on every one. That the world out there, will see Jesus in each one of us. We ask these things for Jesus’ Glory. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
Day 10 – Pastor Malcolm. Shrewsbury Elim.
Genesis 26:1-25. A season for digging.
Lord Jesus, as we come to this new season of Holiness and Consecration, we realise that it will take time to work on our part. You have called us to work out our salvation with fear and trembling.
In this new season, we believe that You are calling us in Telford and Shrewsbury to dig out those wells of revival. Lord Jesus, we long to see our churches revived once again. Just as Isaac had to dig out those wells, we want to be able to do the same thing.
Holy Spirit, we ask for our churches to be flowing with Living water, not stagnant water. For our churches to become as they were in the beginning of the Elim Movement beginning to once again see people getting saved, baptised in water, and filled with the Holy Spirit.
Verse 19 in this passage says that Isaac dug in the valley and found a well of running water. Heavenly Father, we ask that You would show us those places, those Wells that need re-digging.
As Isaac dug in the valley (the lowest place), we come and humble ourselves before You.
Jesus, You were the one who gave the woman of Samaria Living Water in exchange for natural water. Come again, Holy Spirit, in this New season and pour out Living Water in our churches for Jesus’ Glory. Amen.
Day 11 – Adeola Allinson. Telford Elder.
Glorious Father, You are where our help comes from. We look to You, Lord, with our hearts and minds set on Christ; purify and make us holy in this new season of our churches now and always both in mission and evangelism.
Lord Jesus, grant us Your divine grace, wisdom, courage and strength to do and act according to Your will. Father set us apart for Your sacred service in line with the one church two locations.
We are ready to dedicate our lives to the service of Your kingdom that you have given and assigned to us, enable us to continually depend on You not leaning on our own understanding, acknowledging You in all our undertakings.
We pray for the sharing of Your words with all who come under our influence. Holy Spirit lead us into the new season and into the life to come. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
Day 12 – Adeola Allinson. Telford Elder.
Father Lord, Your word in 1 John 1:8–10, NIV, tells us that ‘if we claim to be without sin, we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us. 9 If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness. 10 If we claim we have not sinned, we make him out to be a liar and his word is not in us.’
We pray we will live a sanctified and consecrated life so as to be disconnected from sin, to worship, serve and please You, and do Your will. Thank You that You are a faithful and just God. Let our lives bring You glory and honour as living sacrifices holy and acceptable to You.
Abba Father, You call us to be holy, a divine decree. Enable us to be a living stone built into a spiritual house to be a holy priesthood offering spiritual sacrifices that are acceptable to You through our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.
Day 13 – Adeola Allinson. Telford Elder.
Jehovah, we pray all we do will be all about seeking Your kingdom first, putting Christ first in our plans and on Your terms in this new season, Father, not our will but Yours be done.
We pray that in this season we will die to self so as to meet You, Lord, on your terms, to give a sacrifice of praise that pleases You, and to do good, in order to gain the right standing in Christ and favour with You.
Enable us to be a vessel of honour in the service of the kingdom and to others as You have asked us just as Christ died for us on the cross as the sacrificial Lamb. Help us, Lord, come, Lord Jesus, come into our nation, church and life – Maranatha. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
Day 14 – Steve Higgins. Telford Elder.
Father God, we thank You that Your love passes all understanding. You know everything about us. Our strengths, weaknesses and that You have called us by name to be reconciled to You through the blood of our saviour, Jesus Christ, who intercedes for us and covers us with a robe of righteousness.
We pray that You will help us to be taken into a deeper relationship with Christ, so that we may grow in faith being more attentive to Your calling on our lives. We pray that Your love will continue to change us into who You want us to be in Jesus.
We praise You for all You do in our lives. We give thanks for Your daily provision and the many blessings You bestow on our lives. You are worthy to receive all honour and glory.
We hunger and thirst for more of Your presence. Let Your will be done in our daily lives so that we may draw closer to You in all we do. Very often we can be misguided in our lives by walking our own way and not listening to Your still small voice.
Lord, You know our hearts and desires, we pray that everything we do will be aligned to Your perfect will. We are formed and made in Your image, may we reflect everything You are in our daily living being spiritually mature, walking in Your grace which enables us to face even the toughest days in our lives.
Help us to focus on the new life we have in Jesus which gives us joy, hope and the peace that in turn gives us the strength to walk in the power of the Spirit. You have called us to be set apart from this world, giving ourselves wholly to Your purposes; presenting our bodies as living sacrifices, living holy lives that are pleasing to You. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
Day 15 – Steve Higgins. Telford Elder.
Father, how majestic is Your name in all the earth. We acknowledge Your Lordship in our lives, You are the one who created us in Your own image and sent Jesus to be a sacrifice for all sin. He is the way the truth and the life – the saviour of the world. You are worthy of our worship, adoration and praise.
Your word says ‘be holy because I am holy.’ Your purpose for our lives is to live holy lives, being sanctified by the power of the Holy Spirit. We offer up ourselves to be sanctified by the power of your blood, to enable us to be fully devoted to Your calling on our lives.
Lord, I give You my heart, I give You my soul, every breath that I take, every moment I’m awake, Lord, have Your way in me.
Thank You Lord Jesus that You journey with us interceding with the Father. May we continue to give You more of our lives allowing You to purify our hearts so that we can truly serve You in spirit and truth. With Your help and power, we offer ourselves afresh to You. Amen.
Day 16 – Steve Higgins. Telford Elder.
Father, we thank You for this New Year, and for a new season in our own lives and the life of our two churches. We know that a new season brings about new challenges with more opportunities to serve You being guided by the power of Your Holy Spirit.
We pray for wisdom and guidance as we navigate the opportunity You have given us to expand our boundary by taking the responsibility of the Elim church in Shrewsbury. Lord, we look to You for all the resources we need to facilitate this project. We are thankful that You are a God who can supply all our needs in and through Christ.
Lord, this is a great opportunity to be one church in two locations. We pray that, as we support Pastor Malcolm, who will be taking on the day to day pastoral duties in Shrewsbury, the church in Shrewsbury will grow to be a great witness in the area, and that the leadership team there would be empowered to minister Your word into many people’s lives. You have called us to go out into the world and make disciples. We ask for Your favour as we start to operate as one church two locations, and that we will serve You well. In Jesus’ name. Amen.